New Garda in area harrassing locals

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Funny that. I have a friend who is currently pursuing a complaint with the Garda Ombudsman and guess what? It was a Garda who interviewed him only last week. My friend said that he went in all confident and came out feeling like he had just been de-programmed. The Garda more or less said it probably wouldnt go any further even though theres several witnesses and affidavits filed. He knows about NLP techniques and thinks the Garda investigator was using them.

I think I use them persuasion techniques everyday with the kids :)

That's not what you like to hear, but I do know of a case whereas there was a positive result from the ombudsman with regard to a complaint. I suppose depending on the complaint, it may be hard to prove, but in the case of the OP I don't think it would be too hard for an investigator to investigate a Garda drink driving and breaking the law. Or maybe I'm just being naive.
This happened in a rural part of west Co Galway about 10 years ago and the Garda's house got burnt down. He got moved soon after.
The majority of guards are very approachable and use their common sense. It is great to have a good guard in a country area but this guy seems a little too eager which is making him unpopular with the locals. It would make his job a lot easier for himself if he had started off in a good footing in his new area and by getting to know the locals and winning their trust. We had a fantastic guard in our area a few years back and he was really popular. His local knowledge of everything going on was tops as he was always visiting houses and getting the bits of local info. He was well able to deal with anything that happened. He was respected by young and old alike and able to nip something in the bud without anybody being hounded.
If the drinking issue is true it's very serious and should be reported to his superintendent, but one should be very careful as previous posters have stated as this may be only rumour. I would find it very hard to believe he would leave himself so open to drink and drive unless he's really lacking intelligence. The other thing is he may be under the scrutiny of his officers already if he's had problems in his last area. So eventually if he oversteps the mark he'll be weeded out.
I heard a story a good while back about a certain Garda harrassing locals in some rural village in co. Offaly. The locals eventually gave him a baytin. He was transferred almost immediately.
it's a big deal for a garda to be a persistent, dangerous law-breaker, it's a bigger deal for me that he not be reported simply because he's a garda or because his erstwhile colleagues might want pay-back. i'd prefer that he lose his job rather than his life or that he take someone else's.
Funny that. I have a friend who is currently pursuing a complaint with the Garda Ombudsman and guess what? It was a Garda who interviewed him only last week. My friend said that he went in all confident and came out feeling like he had just been de-programmed. The Garda more or less said it probably wouldnt go any further even though theres several witnesses and affidavits filed. He knows about NLP techniques and thinks the Garda investigator was using them.
For less serious complaints it is a garda doing the interviewing. No offence to your friend but he may have been nieve to be "all confident"

Anyone who thinks they are having a chat with a garda are on a highway to delusion. The garda are trained to investigate/decieve and lie and probably are trained in NLP or similar. I would suggest anyone considering complaining about the garda read about techniques of interrogation/NLP etc and always be on your guard when talking to a guard.pun intended.

I would not accept that the case will go no further. i would take time to re programme myself and would write back to the GSOC and if necessary seek a different garda. Indeed, if the case is at a mediation stage, then both parties must be happy with the mediation. Whatever garda you get remember they are trained to deceive. If they weren't how could they investigate real criminals. Many convictions are the result of admissions made as the result of deceptive pretexts where the guy would probably be walking had he kept his mouth shut. Why do serious crims and terrorists keep silent?
Not entirely true. Many complaints are sent back from GSOC to local superintendents to investigate.
correct and it is important to remember

Garda Investigation
The Garda Ombudsman may refer your complaint to the Garda Commissioner for investigation under the Disciplinary Regulations. If you are not happy with the outcome of a Garda Investigation you can request that the Garda Ombudsman review your case.
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