why is retirement age increasing to 68


Registered User
why is the government increasing the retirement age to 68 .with the amount of people on the dole now and more school leavers joining them in a couple of months , should the retirement age not be brought down to make way for these school leavers
The government have raised the age at which they will pay the state pension to reduce the amount of money that it costs them.

Unemployment is 14% approx ( not sure of exact figure at the moment). That means that if they reduce the age that they pay the pension, they will have to pay the pension for longer to the 86% of the work force that are working, this would cost a lot more money.

Also, the average life expectency is increasing, so the amount of time that they will be paying the pension to each person is increasing each year.

What you suggest makes no sense, financially.
It just means that people who work their whole life and want to retire at 65 will have to start depleting their hard-earned retirement fund.. the scroungers will continue to receive their unemployment benefit as usual up to age 68, then they will receive a pension.
It just means that people who work their whole life and want to retire at 65 will have to start depleting their hard-earned retirement fund.. the scroungers will continue to receive their unemployment benefit as usual up to age 68, then they will receive a pension.

A bit harsh , don't you think ,describing those collecting unemployment benefit as scroungers ?

You do realise that there are 450,000 people unemployed and very few jobs out there.

Perhaps they are more deserving of our sympathy rather than brickbats.
A bit harsh , don't you think ,describing those collecting unemployment benefit as scroungers ?

You do realise that there are 450,000 people unemployed and very few jobs out there.

Perhaps they are more deserving of our sympathy rather than brickbats.

tenchi-fan didn't suggest that everyone collecting unemplayment benifit was a scrounger, just that all scroungers collect unemployment benifit.
A bit harsh , don't you think ,describing those collecting unemployment benefit as scroungers ?

You do realise that there are 450,000 people unemployed and very few jobs out there.

Perhaps they are more deserving of our sympathy rather than brickbats.

The problem is there is such a drain on the system because of means tested social welfare that the government is making up the shortfall by stripping workers of the benefits they paid for with prsi contributions.
The problem is there is such a drain on the system because of means tested social welfare that the government is making up the shortfall by stripping workers of the benefits they paid for with prsi contributions.

No, That's not true either. People are living longer (and starting work later) so in order to maintain the proportion of working people to retired people it is necessary to increase the retirement age.
Bismark introduced the first old age pension in Germany in the 1880's. The retirement age was 70 and the life expectancy was 71.
tenchi-fan didn't suggest that everyone collecting unemplayment benifit was a scrounger, just that all scroungers collect unemployment benifit.

By that logic, one could also say that his comment also "suggests" that anyone who doesn't work his or her whole life until age 65 is a scrounger.
By that logic, one could also say that his comment also "suggests" that anyone who doesn't work his or her whole life until age 65 is a scrounger.

if it quacks like a duck... ;)
It just means that people who work their whole life and want to retire at 65 will have to start depleting their hard-earned retirement fund.. the scroungers will continue to receive their unemployment benefit as usual up to age 68, then they will receive a pension.
by scroungers do you mean people who through no fault of their own find themselves uneployed! maybe you need a dose of reality yourself.
Why is it that a significant proportion of threads degenerate into pointless slanging matches between people who have nothing better to do than make stupid criticisms of each other?

by scroungers do you mean people who through no fault of their own find themselves uneployed! maybe you need a dose of reality yourself.

How could you find yourself unemployed through no fault of your own for the entire 40+ years of your working life? (bear in mind that people who cant work through disability or illness are not classified as unemployed)