Skills that should be a minor but compulsory element of Leaving Cert

What do they teach about philosophy/spirituality in Scouts?
We could be here for a while.... :)

From the Scouts perspective, we don't 'teach' in the traditional sense; Scouting is all about learning by doing.

God I hated the scouts as a kid. Even then, it was uncool!
That's a shame - but tell me what's 'uncool' about ..

Crewing a Tall Ship
Rock climbing
Building a raft from scratch (and 'sailing' it!)
parents could be trusted to send kids there
Kinda the wrong way round - young people come to Scouts because they want to.

& there were enough places
There indeed is the rub...with sufficient leaders, there is no shortage of places; getting adults involved however is always the constraint.

So, folks, here's my challenge to everyone reading this thread - instead of bemoaning the general uselessness of young people (and they're not really) and/or expecting our (already overwhelmed) education system to take it on....put your money where your mouth is and get out and volunteer & do something about it.
....put your money where your mouth is and get out and volunteer & do something about it.
Whoa! Hold on there, bud, stall the ball.

This is primarily a think tank, where really, really clever people come to strategize, blue sky, green field and brain storm. If you want execution-level folks then I suspect you might be in the wrong place. The model for our success was forged in the white heat of Ireland's Celtic Tiger economy by commissioning expensive glossy reports and doing feck-all with them.

You might feel the urge to get down and dirty with burnt sausages, damp grass and curious cows, but others of us must display the leadership qualities this country needs. Sorry.
From the Scouts perspective, we don't 'teach' in the traditional sense; Scouting is all about learning by doing.

So, folks, here's my challenge to everyone reading this thread - instead of bemoaning the general uselessness of young people (and they're not really) and/or expecting our (already overwhelmed) education system to take it on....put your money where your mouth is and get out and volunteer & do something about it.

Not until you explain what scouts learn about spirituality/philosophy by doing...

Seriously though, the scout organisation reminds me of being a kid sniggering at my uncool first cousin in his FCA uniform ( he graduated to this from the scouts).
Everyone leaving school should be able to touch type.
I agree with this one. Shorthand is one I would like to be able to do. After a meeting you could touchtype your notes or get someone else to do it. No trying to make out messy notes as they too can read shorthand and touchtype.
Scouts can be great but is very dependant on the enthusiasm of the leaders. Some groups can be just a youth club with uniforms where they play football and games all night. If the leaders are interested and motivated it's great, we went camping, kayaking, hiking, went to jamborees (an international camp where loads of groups from all over the world meet up) and on fantastic holidays abroad. There's no being looked after either, a good bit of physical work putting up tents, filling water buckets, washing your clothes when on camp, hiking for miles and no turning back if you're tired. I'd recommend it to anyone!
So, folks, here's my challenge to everyone reading this thread - instead of bemoaning the general uselessness of young people (and they're not really) and/or expecting our (already overwhelmed) education system to take it on....put your money where your mouth is and get out and volunteer & do something about it.

Or you could cut out the middle man and and make the effort to teach your kids yourself - that's my plan. Will also send them to scouts but "at da enda da day" if they dont know the stuff I listed below it'll be my fault.
the scout organisation reminds me of being a kid sniggering at my uncool first cousin in his FCA uniform

Scouting is a movement, not an organisation.

Sniggering is more of a reflection of your (then) level of maturity; I'm sure you've grown up since.

The 'FCA' is now known as the Reserve Defence Force and they wear the same uniform as the regular Defence Force. Whilst I have no doubt that the regular army training is even tougher, anyone who voluntarily undergoes the RDF training has my unstinting admiration - it is not easy stuff.

...dependant on the enthusiasm of the leaders.
This is true, but then the same could be said of GAA Clubs, Schools, Choirs etc., etc.,
I agree with this one. Shorthand is one I would like to be able to do.

Shorthand is a very useful skill, regrettably one that I have never mastered.

Do people still practice it? I imagine voice recorders have rendered the skill redundant.
Everyone leaving school should be able to touch type.
Couldn't agree more. No child should leave school without the ECDL - my son has just passed his, the school included it in their transition year programme.
I know 1 girl who uses shorthand, she did a secretarial course after her leaving. Glad to say I have never been at a meeting that was recorded but I don't go to many meetings thankfully. Sure ECDL doesn't teach you touch typing does it? I have a staff member who did ECDL and I wouldn't be that impressed with her PC skills. She too did a secretarial course years ago so is a fine typer but otherwise PC skills are basic enough.
Regarding shorthand - I remember seeing an advert many years ago for a particular variety of shorthand, which used ordinary letters and abbreviations instead of the "squiggles" normally associated with shorthand. It was claimed that it was easier to learn and use than the traditional method.

They were right - show me a child/teenager who doesn't use txt spk!
Sniggering is more of a reflection of your (then) level of maturity; I'm sure you've grown up since.

Only a bit, sad to say. But my once uncool cousin did very well for himself, so he had the last laugh ( and the FCA contacts he made didn't do him any harm).
Regarding shorthand - I remember seeing an advert many years ago for a particular variety of shorthand, which used ordinary letters and abbreviations instead of the "squiggles" normally associated with shorthand. It was claimed that it was easier to learn and use than the traditional method.

They were right - show me a child/teenager who doesn't use txt spk!

Is it tee-line? This was favoured by journalists.
God I hated the scouts as a kid. Even then, it was uncool!

That's what I thought until I joined. (This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, I make it sound like a cult)

Much less 'starchy' than you might think though. A bit of silly quasi-militarism (which in fairness, even the leaders seemed to almost resent), good practical stuff and a lot of crack. Our troop had girls too which helped I suppose. ;)