Where's the Lost thread?


Registered User
I only watched the final episode of Lost last night and was looking forward to seeing the reaction from the learned gentle men & women of AAM. But I can't find a thread.

I only watched the final episode of Lost last night and was looking forward to seeing the reaction from the learned gentle men & women of AAM. But I can't find a thread.


Maybe because the 'learned gentle men & women of AAM' realised a long time ago that the writers of Lost hadn't figured where to go with the story after Season One, and gave up on it ;) ?
Hmmm...no Lost souls on AAM then.

Maybe AAM should set up a Head Makeover forum, where people seeking advice on how to improve their state of confusion after watching all six series of Lost could seek enlightenment.
boards.ie has a very active 'Lost' section.

However long it took you to watch all 6 season of Lost is about how long you might need to trawl through the comments and posts there ;)
The Losties on AAM have created their own place so they can discuss the show, but not all members are ready to go to this place yet....

Jack, hurry up will ya, we're waitin on ya!!
The Losties on AAM have created their own place so they can discuss the show, but not all members are ready to go to this place yet....

Jack, hurry up will ya, we're waitin on ya!!

The ending of lost ripped off the South Park episode where Michael Jackson refuses to accept he is dead and everyone else is stuck in purgatory waiting for him.
I watched every episode of Lost and felt very disappointed by the end. I also realised that I didn't give a crap aboput any of the characters. I just wanted answers and watched it for that reason alone. What happened to the characters was ancillary.
@ VOR, can I ask what answers were you looking for?

I was looking for answers to some questions and I knew that some of them would be left unanswered and some were left open to my own interpretation.

What was the Dharma initiative?

What did Charles Whidmore want with the Island?

What was MIB's (black smoke) name?

Did Jack and Hurley really become the new Jacob?

Did Richard die on the Island or did he live the rest of his life somewhere else?

Did they all die on the original plane crash?

Was the Island some form of purgatory?
What was the Dharma initiative?
An origination that wanted to study the island. No mystery there.

What did Charles Whidmore want with the Island?

He was a former other that got kicked off. He wanted to control/destroy the island , depending on who you believe.

What was MIB's (black smoke) name?

Never revealed.

Did Jack and Hurley really become the new Jacob?
Yes and yes.

Did Richard die on the Island or did he live the rest of his life somewhere else?
Started getting older on the island. Escaped and presumable lived out his life off the island.

Did they all die on the original plane crash?


Was the Island some form of purgatory?
No , that was the flashsideways from series 6.
@ jhegarty,

cheers for that, I got answers to all of them from the show itself, but they were my main questions all through the show from start to finish.
Here's possible answers: -

What was the Dharma initiative?

An attempt to harness the island's power source.

What did Charles Whidmore want with the Island?

Don't know.

What was MIB's (black smoke) name?

Never revealed.

Did Jack and Hurley really become the new Jacob?


Did Richard die on the Island or did he live the rest of his life somewhere else?

Became mortal once Jacob was dead as it was under Jacob's rules that he was immortal on the island. So yes, he lived to old age and died on the island.

Did they all die on the original plane crash?

No they survived. What happened on the island was reality.

Was the Island some form of purgatory?

No, island wasn't purgatory. All their flashes sideways (Sawyer being a cop, Locke being a teacher and still in a wheelchair, Desmond working for Widmore, Hugo being the luckiest person etc) were purgatory. Their experience on the island had made them better people so in their own purgatory they were different characters to when they were alive as they were trying to atone for their past lives. Everything that happened on the Island was real. The island is what brought them together and they needed to realise the lessons the island had taught them about themselves to move on.
One question i really wanted answered was why no women could give birth on the island, i don't remember there ever being an answer to that.

For me the two best scenes from the whole programme were Sawyer and Juliet re-united and when Aaaron was born (again)
BBC's Ashes to Ashes was very similar then whereby the 1980's world was a place of limbo.

I have way too many questions so I won't bore you all. I'll just mention two:
1) The numbers
2) Mr. Eko
I heard the actor who played Mr.Eko asked to be written out so i wonder did they have bigger plans for him. He was a great character.
Well it turned out that the show has a lot of physical, time travel, etc questions that were completely unanswered but the more sensitive souls amongst us think that none of that mattered anyway as it was all about the characters.

I personally think that's a cop out by the writers.

The Island existed and drove the actions of all the characters. The least we're entitled to is some expansion on the whole electro-magnetism thing.

As an aside, could the light at the centre of the Island be related to the light in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction?
Whatever questions were left unanswered in Lost, they're not a patch on the confusion after Donnie Darko.
What in the name of God was that about.
I heard the actor who played Mr.Eko asked to be written out so i wonder did they have bigger plans for him. He was a great character.

Ah that makes a lot of sense. As one of the characters who openly showed a degree of faith I expected him to play a bigger part at the end.

+1DerKaiser - I was far more interested in that side of the show as the characters meant little or nothing to me. When you are giving them names like Faraday, Burke etc.etc you expect something more interesting than a poxy spiritual ending.

As for Pulp Fiction: The bandage on Marsellus Wallace's neck could be there to cover "666" or where the devil took his soul. Who knows. The briefcase did glow and might be the souls of the students or Marsellus. Especially when you realise the code on the case is 666. I never gave it much more thought that that really.