GRA Presidents Speech

I would be holding up the professional bodies as some shining light compared to the GRA. The Law Society, Medical Council, Accountancy Bodies have shown themselves to be anything but professional over the years. They have all lobbied to protect their own interests. And I say that as a member.
I would be holding up the professional bodies as some shining light compared to the GRA. The Law Society, Medical Council, Accountancy Bodies have shown themselves to be anything but professional over the years. They have all lobbied to protect their own interests. And I say that as a member.

I agree they are not perfect but at least in the case of the Medical Council they do not have a regulatory and representative function. The Law Society does have both of these obviously conflicting roles and so can't be taken seriously. I can't comment on other bodies as I know nothing about them.
... within the limits of propriety, ...
I suppose that was my out (I couldn't say cop-out :rolleyes:).

Sorry, I haven't thrown my hat into the ring in the discussion yet. I believe the content of the GRA President's document as published and quoted crossed my propriety line. However, can we really legislate politics out of a State job and pretend that the boys and girls aren't privately muttering discontendedly about their reduced circumstaces? Personally I'd prefer if there was some mechanism that allowed them to healthily express their disappointment / frustration about disimproved pay, increasing deductions and worsening conditions rather than attempting to force it underground (my perception).
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Personally I'd prefer if there was some mechanism that allowed them to healthily express their disappointment / frustration about disimproved pay, increasing deductions and worsening conditions rather than attempting to force it underground (my perception).
Fully agree - That's what we have today. That mechanism is the GRA.
I take it that Complainer had no problem with PJ Stone’s attack on Nora Owen when he was top dog in the GRA and she was Minister for Justice.
He blamed her for robberies of cash in transit saying "Her competence and her ability must be seriously questioned now".
Did anything ever come of this or did it all just get lost over the extra long summer holidays last year.
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