can't verify the identity of the website


Registered User
Trying to pay the toll journey but the following scary message appeared:

can't verify the identity of the website you may be connected to a website that is pretenting to be "", which could put your confidential information a risk.

As I've to insert my credit card number it makes me worring. Anyone is experiencing the same?
P.S. same error using both Safari and Firefox.
Thanks for your reply but unfortunately Internet Explorer 8 is available only on PCs running Windows and I'm on a Mac.
Did you try to pay, or just checked the main website? Because I've gotthe warning when I try to pay. is the secure payment area that you are redirected to when making a payment or registering a new account on

The s after the http means that you are on a secured webpage.
Thanks Papercut. Actually there is the s after the http. It may be enough for the peace of mind.
A second consideration is that it's just strange that an important web site used for payment like the does not have a security certificate trusted by a certificate authority: I stared the screen in dumb amazement and I did not think to check the s after http
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I have tried that web-site on a Mac running OS 10.5.8 with Firefox (3.6.6 beta) Safari (4.0.5) and Opera (10.10) - I've encountered no verification, site identification or security certificate issues.

Are all your Java frameworks etc. up to date (12.5.0)? (try running Software Update... under the Apple menu.
Thanks for your reply but unfortunately Internet Explorer 8 is available only on PCs running Windows and I'm on a Mac.
Did you try to pay, or just checked the main website? Because I've gotthe warning when I try to pay.

yeah paid last night for 2 passes.