radio ad 2 'Dublin' women discussing diet of their children?


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Have you heard this add yet with the 2 'Dublin' women discussing the diet of one of the women's children? This add bugs me so so much...they have 2 actresses speak in very (false) working class Dublin accents as they talk about how one of the women has changed her kids' diet following advice from a website and how they look so much better now. It bugs me because it is such a pronounced false Dublin accent immediately implying (whether intentional or not) that working class Dubs can't look after their kids dietary needs without referring to a website. It reminds me of an Eircom Phonewatch add a year or two ago which featured 2 robbers with again very (false) pronounced Dublin accents. Some of us aren't scumbags ye know!
Dub Accent

Glad I am not the only one whom this is driving demented. Its not just the (false)dodgy accents - its the content of this ad as well. Whoever scripted it deserves a kick up the backside.

Something like....well, the little one was getting very which empty vessel number 2 replies - ah but look at them now but they are lovely lookin' kids.

Never mind the scumbag element, the 2 women sound like they havent a brain cell between them.

Rubbish ad - it came on when I was driving home the other night and I nearly rear ended the car in front trying to get rid of it.

"Inanyways", I have never come across an accent like that....and I have heard every variation of a Dublin accent.
It seems to be aimed at parents who do not have any clue about the basics.
Sadly there are a lot of them around..
Why would a flat Dublin accent imply scumbag?
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I meant the scumbag comment in relation to the robbers in the phonewatch add.
Maybe they got the Fair City cast to do the ad? Dublin accents don't seem to mean much on that show either :)
Honestly, I hate all ads aimed at mums or women - mostly because the women in them talk like the last brain cell in their skulls died of loneliness years ago.
There is an ad for some seafood stuff /I think I managed to blockout the name of the company/ ending with "they are too busy eating" which I just couldn't stand, the woman sounds so artificial and awful, you'd like to slap her just to shut her up /looks like just thinking about the ad increases my aggression levels/.
The littlesteps advert featuring the fathers is just as irritating - both are over-done Dub accents too.
These ads really annoys me too. The implication is that only 'working class Dublin' families have fat unhealthy children.
These ads really annoys me too. The implication is that only 'working class Dublin' families have fat unhealthy children.

I have not heard the ad yet must look out for it. Health research has shown that the lower the socio economic class the less likely they are to heed health promotion messages.
Thats because its cheaper to eat unhealthily. Processed foods, ready meals etc., What they should be promoting is how to make healthy meals for those on a budget (jamie oliver and his adds for sainsburys springs to mind, feed 4 for a fiver). There are so many recipies out there but hard to find if you don't have access to the net or the knowledge of how to cook....
Thats because its cheaper to eat unhealthily. Processed foods, ready meals etc., What they should be promoting is how to make healthy meals for those on a budget (jamie oliver and his adds for sainsburys springs to mind, feed 4 for a fiver). There are so many recipies out there but hard to find if you don't have access to the net or the knowledge of how to cook....

the funny thing is, cooking from scratch and healthy won't cost you a fortune and doesn't take that long - i have a small baby and still manage to cook from scratch and even bake my own bread - wouldn't touch any of the ready made sauces or pizzas with a stick, you never know what's inside and all the "organic" and whatever stuff is really expensive /overpriced/
I hate that ad, both the male and female version of it make me cringe.
the funny thing is, cooking from scratch and healthy won't cost you a fortune and doesn't take that long - i have a small baby and still manage to cook from scratch and even bake my own bread - wouldn't touch any of the ready made sauces or pizzas with a stick, you never know what's inside and all the "organic" and whatever stuff is really expensive /overpriced/

I agree but only when you have the know how. My point is they should be promoting that, not going on about some fat kids. As in "This is how you do it and this is how much it costs". You would be amazed at the fact some people don't know how to boil an egg! So its just easier to go to the chipper!
Would you have a problem with the ad if it were genuine working class Dublin Actors who were doing the voices?
To be honest being from cork, I would think the accent thing is only upsetting if you are from dublin and know what area the accent is from? They could be from D4 for all I know, I think the issue here is how it is scripted not spoken as such.
Corniest Ad Ever

To ajapale, I have a problem with the overall cornyness of the ad....the actual script. That accent is not from any area of Dublin, so I would not say its working class, it is makey up, so to speak and that is actually even more annoying. Reminds me of Twink in Panto or something.

Ha ha at Haminka - that Nolans Seafood is actually evil too.......something about Wisteria Lane and they are too busy eating, ......I buy a fair bit of Nolans, but that add put me off.

I've never heard the father ones....guess I have that to look forward to as well.
oh, some more ads which are driving me crazy, this time on TV :
most UK ads on insurance : go compare drives me crazy, hope this guy has an accident and loses his voice forever
injury lawyers - there is this self-righteous snotty jerk "making us something perfectly clear" - hope for the same fate as the guy from the go compare ad - please please could somebody punch this guy in his jerky face and make him shut up?

love the compare the market though, the meerkat idea with those little stories of his ancestors is totally sweet
love the compare the market though, the meerkat idea with those little stories of his ancestors are totally sweet

That add was a "pure win" :)

The team who thought it up aer bloody clever. Unfortunately, go compare isn't too good (yes, kill the fat opera singer...)