Resign Cardinal Brady


Registered User
Please tell me why Cardinal Brady has not resigned yet because I simply cant understand it. Is what he did or didn't do not a resigning offence? What is then?
Recently Mr Brady got a round of applause when he took to the altar of his church in Armagh. When I heard this I was astonished. I was completely puzzled at what exactly Brady's flock of sheep were clapping about. Maybe it was that he was a good man and priest, did exactly what he was told, towed the company line and thus got promoted to the highest office in the country. Or were they clapping at the way he had invoked a kind of an ecliastical work-to-rule when he performed the role of secratary when he was told to silence the children with oaths and threats of eternal damnation. What were his exact words at the time - "Bring me the little abused children so that I may silence them forever". This is abusing the abused. Well he succeeded in silencing those 2 children for over 20 years which allowed Smyth to abuse many other children in Ireland, UK and America for many more years. He helped silence their screams too. Wasn't it handy for the church that we could export our paedophiles. Smyth abused from 1940s until 1990s - many of the so called good priests must have known and had chance to do something and yet nothing done, until he was extradited to the UK...
Maybe Brady's congregation were clapping because they were aware of the internal agitation undertaken by good men/priests like Brady within the Catholic Church to sort out the known scourge of child abuse within their ranks. Sadly there is zero evidence of this - which is quite shocking. Are these people completely blinkered?
The church have hampered and continue to hamper all child abuse investigations. But at least the pope wrote that letter. Well done. Bit late for damage limitation though. Would the congregation have clapped if all the living people that Smyth had abused were brought up to the altar one by one to tell their stories?

I personally dont understand how people continue to flock to mass these days. The only think this church cares about is footfall and revenue. People need to speak with their feet if they want this awful organisation to change for the better.

For me my allegiance to the RCC is over forever. Thanks for the memories.

Resign Cardinal Brady. I simple can't understand why you haven't already.
For me my allegiance to the RCC is over forever. Thanks for the memories.

Resign Cardinal Brady.
To me, this is contradictory. If you have left the church, that it doesn't matter to you in the slightest who is leading the church. Let them get on with it.
. Would the congregation have clapped if all the living people that Smyth had abused were brought up to the altar one by one to tell their stories?
They don't seem to want to hear from the abused and many of them are traumatised, ashamed, damaged or dead. I heard the Brian D'Arcy interview with Ryan Turbidy and it was so desperately sad. He mentioned how he was dealing with two families whose girl and boy respectively had committed suicide as a direct result of Brendan Smyth's actions and for this Brady too has blood on his hands. Why those who go to church want to be part of that is beyond me because they seem to be condoning what happened.

There was one man in Kerry two weeks ago who stood up in church to a bishop and was rejected by all. Says it all really.
i just cant comprehend how a institution with that level of abuse with the severity of abuse and with that level of cover-up is allowed to exist in any country where it operates! Anyone with anything to do with any coverup no matter how far back should be removed (criminally investigated) and if not, the organization deemedd a criminal one. Id people want a cathloic club to go to each week they need to form a new club with absolutely no connection to any one who had anyting to with the current administartion. Would it no be in the best interest of the faith anyway??

The POPE is currently the catholic churchs worst enemy. His in difference to the this is making people sick. That letter!! where eas the apopolgy for the coverup and then his own cover ups!!!

People will look back in the not too disatnt future and will be amazed that we had this and these people in place in 2010.
Why those who go to church want to be part of that is beyond me because they seem to be condoning what happened.

Most people go to church for personal reasons or because they want to keep up a tradition or keep face.
You would be surprised with the amount of people who go to church these days that don't actually condone abuse.
It is beyond me how people can be active in an organization in which up to 5% of priests are accused to be part of the crime against children (CNN Claims the 5% not me).

An organization in which the leader (a guy who guarded Nazi Concentration Camps) sends his personal preacher forward to compare the outrage against the organized crimes of the church to the prosecution of Jews has no place anywhere.

It’s time we throw the papal nuncio out of the country and stop accepting that the Vatican is a state. In my book it’s a rouge state that has a long history of terror that at present is harboring and aiding criminals.

Now I have nothing against the 95% of people in the church that are not aiding and embedding these criminals but unfortunately the reality is that those are following an old man that constantly lies (from his own past to his involvement) and there is no real attempt to bring those who did the crimes to justice.

It’s time to take action, as I told the church people coming to my door this week to collect money, I don’t support criminal organization. Go clean up your church and come back, I’ll give you the same consideration I give other sects. I never slammed the door shut to a follower of the Latter Day Saints or the Jehovah’s witnesses and I won’t do it to followers of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately either, which ever fraction you are.
An organization in which the leader (a guy who guarded Nazi Concentration Camps) sends his personal preacher forward to compare the outrage against the organized crimes of the church to the prosecution of Jews has no place anywhere.
The worst comparison they continue to make is between child rape and homosexuality.

It’s time we throw the papal nuncio out of the country and stop accepting that the Vatican is a state. In my book it’s a rouge state that has a long history of terror that at present is harboring and aiding criminals.
I've said that many times here.
I agree with Dublin Texas and Purple wholeheartedly. But the people have the power to emasculate this corrupt, man made institution. Stop genuflecting, treat clerics as one would any other profession, stop throwing money at these parasitic mendicants and stop confusing them with deity. Have your own personal GOD ...... and with your conscience, this will be enough. Maureen O Dowd answers the 'silly gossip' statement in last Saturday's NY Times, after it was singled out.
apostolic visitation and "petty gossip" remark

Whatever about the Cardinal here, the "petty gossip" comments of Cardinal Sodano this week were beyond vile. This particular cardinal was very much associated with the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, run by a known paedophile. He always supported the organisation despite its record of criminality, abuse, rape etc. This is possibly because it brought in 600m dollars to the papal coffers over the years. The responsibility for cover-up lies heavily on Rome and this has not been owned up to. Pope John Paul II concealed much of the evidence against the Legion; his successor concealed the Fr Peter Huellerman case. I can't see any difference between what the Pope did and what the Cardinal here did. They should both go. And the apostolic visitation should be told to go to hell until the gross hypocrisy of the Pope and College of Cardinals is accounted for. The Pope's letter was grossly dishonest as it didn't take into account their disgraceful conduct.