Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Lidl.

Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers!!

Also why don't they offer baskets? If I only want a few items, I'm not going to drive around one of their massive trolleys. Normally end up just picking up an empty box in the store for my few items, but then find I have to queue behind the trolley fulls.

I'm just guessing but it's probably to do with getting you to spend more, i know if i have a trolley i'd be inclined to pick up more items than if i had a basket, a basket gets heavy so you just grab what you need and get to the till
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers!!

Also why don't they offer baskets? If I only want a few items, I'm not going to drive around one of their massive trolleys. Normally end up just picking up an empty box in the store for my few items, but then find I have to queue behind the trolley fulls.


Why are there no baskets at Aldi?
To have both baskets and trolleys only adds to the costs, which leads to higher prices. Trolleys are easier to use. And with our €2 deposit system, they’re less likely to go walkabout.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers!!

My main bugbear with Lidl is people who don't place their items on the belt at all. They stand in the queue and then produce their shopping from a bag. Of course half of my shopping has been scanned because the operator thinks the shopping belongs to the guy in front. Cue much abuse from Mr. I can't be arsed to put my stuff on the belt. .
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers!!

I agree, I rarely go to Aldi because of this.

Same here. Too much hassle because I would do most of my shopping in Dunnes so most times would only have an item or two. Its also the worst shop for people seeing that you only have one or two items and leaving you wait while they put through a large trolley of stuff and then proceed to take their time in both paying and packing. I would regularly let people go through before me if I see they only have a few items.

The checkout operators in Aldi are also timed on purchases going through so can well understand how operator was not pleased either.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers!!

The checkout operators in Aldi are also timed on purchases going through so can well understand how operator was not pleased either.

Really? An efficiency/time is money type thing? Their zeal makes sense now!
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers!!

Just to lighten things up here...
A mate of mine, who is one of those great people who can tell put-down stories about himself, grabbed two used bags from his mother's house to 'do' her shopping in Aldi; a few bits and pieces that didn't really warrant a trolley. So he piled them into the bags, reahed the checkout and dumped them onto the conveyer belt.
Immedaitely a cloud of soot v=began to rise from one of the upturned bags; his mother had cleaned out the fire and put some ashes in this bag without disposing of it. what did he do?
He tried to ignore the tut-tutting lady behind him and also the poor checkoutcleck who jhad to keep wiping the soot of the itmes as she scanned them through, chatting as if nothing was wrong. He was glad to get out of theren and swears he'll always ck==eck the used bags he brings in futurel if he can face Aldi again!
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers!!

I have seen people being asked to leave Aldi for refusing to use a trolley.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

I have seen people being asked to leave Aldi for refusing to use a trolley.

That sounds daft - I've often gone in and not used a trolley. Theres more to that than meets the eye I'd wager.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers!!

Really? An efficiency/time is money type thing? Their zeal makes sense now!

Yea I heard this, - in most supermarket 15 items/per min is considered about right. In Aldi/Lidle it'something like 20 items (sorry can't remember the ecact numbers). Any time I go I always look at how fast they do it and yea they are fast.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

Well it is a lot easier when the barcodes are so huge on most Aldi/Lidl products.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

That sounds daft - I've often gone in and not used a trolley. Theres more to that than meets the eye I'd wager.
My local Aldi has a security guard and he has asked anyone using their own bags instead of a trolley to leave.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

My local Aldi has a security guard and he has asked anyone using their own bags instead of a trolley to leave.

I'd happily leave any shop where I was treated like that, and never return.

I shop frequently in Lidl, and sometimes in Aldi, and almost always use my own bags to carry my purchases to the checkout. It has never caused any difficulty (maybe I look honest).

Something that strikes me as odd is the number of people who do not use bags: they walk around the shop carrying and awkward pile of stuff, and again from the checkout to the car park.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

I can't remember if it was Aldi or Lidl here that used to ask you to open your carrier bags for inspection at the till in case your had put things in soon stopped after complaints...
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

A few years back, myself & Mrs Firely were in Lidl on the Long Mile Road. We left our trolley at the mid section of one of the isles to grab something I'd forgotten further down the isle. When we got back to the trolley our Bags for Life had been stolen...nearly fell about the place laughing.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

I hate people who abandon trolleys and obstruct my movement!
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

I hate people who abandon trolleys and obstruct my movement!

No need to hate me ;). Just forget something further down the isle.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

I know a guy who went to tesco late one night (after a good few drinks). When he got up the next morning he found items like pampers, babypowder and immac - this guy is single and has no kids. He rang tesco to tell them he must have taken someone elses trolly. The someone else had rang earlier to say that they didn't have their pampers and never use BOLD washing powder.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

I just put a load of stuff into their trolley. :D
We use to do that in college. We felt if we couldn't afford it, someone who could should buy it. :D