Isn't the weather great!


Registered User
Well I think so - dry and bright, very little rain.
Chilly yes but in a nice crisp/dry way rather than a damp way.
Was bright at 7am this morning too and there's a great stretch in the evening!
And there is still snow on the hills which looks fantastic.
I thought the title to your thread was sarcastic. Where I am it has been raining.....snow..........sleet.....cold, it seems ongoing since Christmas. I am sick of this weather and cant wait till the clocks go forward and we get a bit of a stretch in the evenings.
The weather is so bad I dont mind being in work.....

How quickly we forget, just wait until we have a week of constant rain and dampness and you will be praying for the crisp bright winter days we are having now.
Yeah Graham, seems to be.

Hasn't stopped me booking a holiday in the sun though. Just in case for some reason we don't get a decent summer :rolleyes:
I much prefer this type of Winter to the normal low sky, non stop drizzling we normaly get. That being said, I did not lose my business or have to rebuild my house following flooding, or break my leg on the snow.
Yeah Graham, seems to be.

Hasn't stopped me booking a holiday in the sun though. Just in case for some reason we don't get a decent summer :rolleyes:

I should have waited to just started raining ! . Only a shower though hopefully. Heading off in 2 weeks too :) for some sun & sangria, can't wait, been a looooong winter.
Hasn't stopped me booking a holiday in the sun though. Just in case for some reason we don't get a decent summer :rolleyes:

Well, they are all convinced in my job that we are going to get a great summer based on the fact the last time we had a lot of snow, the following summer was super.
I wouldn't cancel your holiday though.
:) Funny, I nearly convinced myself of the same thing using similar 'logic'!

But no, I won't be cancelling any holidays.

Never mind 'summers' I find myself nostalgic for April 07 - when we had a full month of sun - remember that?

God bless Teatime and his glass half full, and he's right in some respects about the positives of the Irish climate (see other posts - he never stops going on about it ;)) but sorry, I just need guaranteed sun every once in a while.
Am sick to death of rain and muck where I am, cannot keep muck out of house, dogs are constantly wet and stinking!. That said, was moocho cheered up by a Rasta gentleman collecting for the charity Sari, he was standing on the corner singing Bob Marley tunes and saying hi and respect to everybody who passed by even though it was raining straight down on him! . Fair play :D
Well I think so - dry and bright, very little rain.
Chilly yes but in a nice crisp/dry way rather than a damp way.
Was bright at 7am this morning too and there's a great stretch in the evening!
And there is still snow on the hills which looks fantastic.

I don't know what you're smoking, Teatime, but that is the worst attempt at writing a poem about the weather that I've ever seen! :D
How quickly we forget, just wait until we have a week of constant rain and dampness and you will be praying for the crisp bright winter days we are having now.

I have had a week of constant rain, snow sleet and dampness(!) Cant wait for it to go away. Its been so cold here, there is a snowman on the green for about a week now, no sign of him defrosting, even with the rain......I dont know where the rest of you are, but all week have hated driving to work because the sleety rain on the Naas Road made the road conditions quite dangerous.
You can all rest assured that I'll be thinking of you when I'm on the beach in the Cape Verde islands on Tuesday. The temp there today was 30C; here it managed to reach the dizzy heights of 3.5C.

(I lied when I said I'd be thinking of you!) ;)
I have had a week of constant rain, snow sleet and dampness(!) Cant wait for it to go away. Its been so cold here, there is a snowman on the green for about a week now, no sign of him defrosting, even with the rain......I dont know where the rest of you are, but all week have hated driving to work because the sleety rain on the Naas Road made the road conditions quite dangerous.

I am in Galway West and I haven't seen more than 1cm of snow all winter (apart from on higher ground) and I am absolutely disgusted! I would kill for the chance of building a snowman - I am a child at heart. All this cold weather and no snow outside Chez Teatime. I keep hearing of snow in Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow, Donegal, Semple Stadium, Washington, Cork and I am wondering what gives...
According to Met Eireann it was the driest and sunniest February in 40 years especially in the West and South. It was the coldest Feb since 1986. And looking at the forecast last night, we will get high pressure for the next 4/5 days which means dry/bright/cold weather with the weekend looking especially nice. What to do...:)