Title Deeds cannot be found



How do you go about buying a property if the owner cannot locate the title deeds of the property, can you just request a copy of the deeds from Land Registry or the register of deeds
How do you go about buying a property if the owner cannot locate the title deeds of the property, can you just request a copy of the deeds from Land Registry or the register of deeds

Presumably the vendor has a solicitor. The vendor should consult with the solicitor and establish what kind of title is involved and what steps can be taken to either locate the deeds or seek to reconstitute the title. It may be possible to take out Title insurance .

If the property is Registry of Deeds title , its possible to get copies of memorials. If the property is Land Registry, a folio can be printed off. However, the actual Title Deeds will normally be accompanied by lots of other items e.g. planning documents, tax documents etc.,etc.

Talk to a solicitor.
