yoga dvd or cd for 30 mins practice


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Does anyone know of a good cd or dvd that would talk you through a 30 mins yoga session. I go to yoga during the year but it always finishes in May and does not begin again until september. I try to do some myself but really miss being talked through the poses and would love to get a cd preferrably or a dvd. I am hoping that some one out there may know of one Thanks
I go to this lady's classes - she is an excellent teacher and has produced some of her own cds which are available on her website. Her name is Mary Cromwell - see link below:

No connection apart from attending her classes.
David Swenson has produced a number of DVD's. One of these is short fomrs, I think it's got a 15 min, 30 min and 45 minute session. You can find it on amazon
Check the sale section on There are some very cheap fitness and yoga dvd's. I did yoga for a couple of years and recently got the pilates for dummies dvd on to try it out. It's 35 minutes, very clear instructions, only 4 euro and as someone who enjoyed yoga i found the pilates great also. And for 4 euro you can't go wrong! there's also an mtv yoga dvd for 5.50 which i got today and plan on trying this evening so i'll report tomorrow!
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