wrong Middle name


Registered User
I have booked with ryanair and the 3 children but I have reliased I have used the same middle name for 2 of the children, ie fiona marie ,susan marie instead of susan louise surnames are the same, so different from the passport do I have to change or would I get away with it thanks
I wouldn't bother changing. They probably wouldn't even notice at check-in. Once the first and last names match there should be no problem. On my airline tickets my surname is frequently miss-spelt and check in staff told me that it didn't matter. Might be a different story if you were going to the US.
I'd be inclined to make the change if the cost isn't significant - but maybe I'm just a scaredy cat. You really don't want to be negotiating with a Ryanair jobsworth with 10 minutes to go before the flight closes.
I'd be inclined to agree with RainyDay, if that was me and didn't bother getting the names corrected I'd get stopped! I never get away with stuff like that :) I'm a sod's law target!
Don't worry about middle names as long as the first name and surname are correct ie. as given in the respective passports.
My surname is hypenated but on my passport there is no hyphen just a space between the two parts of the surname. If I was to stick in the hyphen would it cause problems, particuralry with ryanair? The Passport office don't understand the concept of hyphenated surnames.
Be careful with Ryanair they just love to bump you so you have to buy a new ticket....logic wont come into it.
Just curious - why did you bother putting middle names on the tickets in the first place?
I never use middle names. No carrier I ever used has mentioned it.