Wrong Credit Card Statements



Today I received statements from a prominent bank relating to a total strangers credit card transactions. I also fear that the reverse has happened in my case, that they or somebody else has received my statements. Any suggestions please ?.
Was it someone else's statement with your address or was their address on it an it was just delivered to the wrong address. The latter is more likely a one off postal error.
Two statements in one envelope? Less likely the other party has yours.

Well spotted!

This is a simple error where a packing machine malfunctions. Certainly contact the credit card company. I thnk reporting it to the Data Protection Commissioner is a bit too far.

I thnk reporting it to the Data Protection Commissioner is a bit too far.

Not far enough in my opinion. They have breached the data protection act. Granted they may have a glitch in the machine, thats up to the Bank to ensure all machinery or equipment is up to standard.

A customers private information should not be disclosed under any circumstances.

I would not like my statement, showing transactions to other customers, its a breach of confidentiality.

I said the same thing a few years back. The Bank sent me someones cheque book where I requested a lodgment book. I should have reported it but I thought it was a one off mistake.

If the cheque book had of ended up in the wrong hands, who knows what state the customer would have been left in.

I assume the Bank never confessed to the customer that they posted me her cheque book, so she is probably still unaware of their "mistakes"