Would you ever go out with someone who is married

Q: Would you ever go out with someone who is married?
A: Definitely NO! There is no way I'm going out with my wife!


Before I was married I used to get propositions, mainly from randy lawyers on circuit, which I viewed with utter contempt and embarrassment. Since I've been married I'm rarely in circumstances that would lead me to be in that position anyway. My husband and I usually go out together and TBH mostly ( except when I'm really annoyed with him) I think he's more intelligent, nice, funny and sexy than any other man anyway, so I wouldn't look at anyone else twice. But don't tell HIM that!;)

Before I was married I used to get propositions, mainly from randy lawyers on circuit, which I viewed with utter contempt and embarrassment. Since I've been married I'm rarely in circumstances that would lead me to be in that position anyway. My husband and I usually go out together and TBH mostly ( except when I'm really annoyed with him) I think he's more intelligent, nice, funny and sexy than any other man anyway, so I wouldn't look at anyone else twice. But don't tell HIM that!;)

You don't care who you hurt, do you?

I just hope Caveat doesn't read this...
Was it Oscar Wilde who once said that bachelor men should be heavily taxed as punishment for being happier than the rest of us?
I think it was "Rich bachelors should be heavily taxed". Something about not being fair on everybody else.
I thought he, by his "preferences", was always destined to be a bachelor ;)