Wrong forum Working 2 days whilst on Job Benefit

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Registered User
Can anyone advise me please!!

I am unemployed since February this year and have my application for job benefit being processed at the moment (talk about slow!).

I have the possibility of working two days a week for a company but only if I do it on a self employed basis, ie i invoice them for the days I do and i wouldn't be employed by them. Employment is not a possibility as the company don't want to be paying prsi and annual leave etc. However, the crunch is that I don't know how much work there is, it may only be 2days for just two weeks.

My query is this. I know that if i was an employee of the company for 2 days a week i could continue to claim the job benefit ( i want the credits). I obviously want to work and i want to declare what i earn. However, if I do it as a selfemployed person for those days can I still claim benefit for the unworked days and will it effect a future claim if the work runs dry ( i know self employed can't claim contributory benefits)??

Any ideas?? Legit only!!
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