Wording to indicate that quotation is strictly for recipient's eyes only?


Registered User
I regularly send out quotes for jobs, almost always by email. I'm very rarely asked for quotes in hard copy.

Obviously, quotes sent out in the form of an emailed word document can be spread virally!

In these difficult times I'm getting a bit paranoid about where my quotes my end up.

Therefore, I'd be grateful if I could have a line of text that I could put in bold across the bottom of a quote indicating, in no uncertain terms, that the contents of the quote are strictly for viewing by the (potential) client and no one else.

Would be grateful for any suggestions.

I know there's no way of knowing what happens to an email, but there's no harm in stating how you want the document handled.


Not For Redistribution. It'll make very little difference though, if someone wants to share it, they'll share it.