Women eating Yorkies...what next?

Can birds eat the purple ones with the fruit and nuts in it? Or is it just the blue wrapped ones we're not allowed to have?!
oh i hate the purple ones but i like the gold ones, with the honeycomb......I mean I reckon I would like them if I ever tasted one
oh i hate the purple ones but i like the gold ones, with the honeycomb......I mean I reckon I would like them if I ever tasted one
They were brought out for effeminate blokes who were too embarrassed to buy a Crunchy :D
How do you always manage to turn these threads into something seedy and dirty?

My apologies for lowering the tone of such a fine intellectual discourse. I believe the core problem may be genetic and as such beyond my control. I therefore appeal for your sympathy rather than your ire but I will, never the less, retreat in a suitably contrite manner.

Rest assured that I stand most humbly rebuked.
oh yea, :p
I believe the core problem may be genetic and as such beyond my control.

reminds me of the cartoon that used to be on late night on Friday in early 90's - called The Critic (as in films). Was part of "The End" if I'm correct.

Anyway there was one seedy character but every time someone gave out to him he would instantly refrain "I'm a sick man, I need help." :D
yorkie eating, by women, in broad daylight!!!! oh the inhumanity of it all, wont somebody please think of the children