Women & Drunkerexia


Registered User
Was just wondering what peoples opinion on this is. I heard this term on the radio this morning and its a new label for women that are eating less food during the week, cutting down on certain foods so that they can stay slim and trim but are then replacing that with alcohol at the weekends!!

So a bottle of wine is being downed on a Fri / Sat night in the place of decent food during the week.

does anyone do this or know of anyone that does it.

What is the correct amount for women to drink really? What is acceptable?

I think its a scary phenomen and was really shocked when heard it. Any thoughts/opinions?
Yes actually.... know one individual who was on low carb diet.... didn't eat bread etc so that she could drink and not add weight.... just as you mentioned above!
I think thats mad.

I'm not saying I don't drink, I certainly do but I wouldn't go hungry during the week to compensate for having a few glasses of wine.

If this trend is true then women are leaving their bodies short of neccessary nutrients etc and doing damage then filling themselves with alcohol and doing more damage!
yes ive heard of people doing that, usually beer drinkers, but a lot of women opt for white spirits and slimline mixers (gin and slim tonic for example) so that the least amount of calories are consumed while drinking.

In this crazy calorie conscious world we seem to live in its no surprise really.
I know someone who was on the weight watchers diet and would "save" points by not eating properly during the week and then drinking a load at the weekend. She hadn't a clue and never lost any weight.
I don't know about starving themselves or leaving their bodies short of nutrients but I know plenty of women who will do without 'treats' during the week so they can drink at the weekends.

It makes sense if someone is on a calorie controlled diet they must choose either the takeaway/chocolate or the booze.

But, as with alot of diets/weight watching plans, this can be taken too far and become unhealthy.
well this is why they have put the term "drunkerexia" on it.
It is becoming extreme and unhealthy. Theres acutally a list of food and their equvilent in alcohol so people can work out how less to eat and how much more they can drink...

I know that on WW you can save points and replace it with drink, but they're not saying live on less points a day (less food) so you can add them up and get bladdered at the weekend.
They mean a socialable few glasses of wine with dinner...not a bottle and a few shorts on a night out.

And apparantly its wine that is the favourite because it is considered not as fattening as beer.
I suppose it is inevitable . . . there must be plenty women who binge drink and who are also counting the calories .. .a small percentage of them will not have a clue about their health and go to the extreme.

Can't say I'm shocked.

I do wonder sometimes though at the lack of public health information out there about alcohol. There's nothing really out there to suggest that it might be bad for you to drink too much (so long as you're not an alcoholic or don't drink drive). There is even a very large number of women who consider it absolutely fine to drink in moderation when pregnant (moderation meaning different things to different people).

We love drinking I think that's what it amounts to.
I think you're right, we do love drinking. Me included.

I know there was some coverage lately on binge drinking which is also not good, go out at the weekend and drink large amounts I just never thought it would come to them making up a term for people that are replacing food with alcohol.

If I'm hungry I eat, if I want to drink alcohol I do...if the pounds go on I cut back for a week or so.

I certainly wouldn't be giving up my food during the week so that I can binge on the weekend.

I love food too much aswell obviously..
annR - I don't think it's true to say there is a lack of public health info about alcohol. At this stage most people must have formed the educated view that 'too much' alcohol is bad for you . . . kills the brain cells, makes you do stupid things, contributes to liver problems, adds weight . . . take your pick.

Many people (myself included) tend to ignore much of the information and reckon we control our intake to just the right amount so that we're not damaging ourselves.

I see it as similar to the situation with tobaco decades ago - many people reckoned they were not smoking so much they could actually damage themselves despite the growing public health warnings. Eventually the warnings got to the stage we are at now - with labels on boxes saying "This product will kill you". Even then some people continue to smoke . . . what can I say ?

I Agree, there is plenty of coverage out there about alcohol..notably the ad where the girl vomits all over the street.

theres also a lot of coverage about food and size zero and overeating etc.

so to be jeopardising health with not enough food and too much gargle so much so that they are considering it a "new trend" is just scary.
with weightwatchers your only allowed save 4 points a day from eating less, you can work up 4 points a day from exercise. They say you shouldn't use more than 21 points in a week on alchol (that's ww points not drink units which for example a bottle of bud is 2 points - bud light coors light 1 1/2)
Equally worrying is a comment I heard on a radio VoxPop some time ago in relation to drug use (specifically cocaine). The young woman being interviewed said that she and her friends used coke to have fun at weekends instead of drinking alcohol, because there were no calories in coke......

Where do you begin to combat thinking like that?

There is enough damage being done not eating food, then the abuse from alcohol / cocaine is furthering that damage!

I don't think people think of how they're bodies will end up in the future.
I agree there's public coverage about alcohol but it mostly focuses on drink driving or the anti social aspect to getting drunk.

annR - I don't think it's true to say there is a lack of public health info about alcohol. At this stage most people must have formed the educated view that 'too much' alcohol is bad for you . . . kills the brain cells, makes you do stupid things, contributes to liver problems, adds weight . . . take your pick.

Well if people are worried about their weight they just drink spirits or wine instead of beer. In my experience, young people who drink a lot or binge drink at weekends don't give their brain cells or livers a second thought. When you think liver damage you think middle aged men with beer guts who are getting worried about their life span. I just can't remember seeing an ad about the health effects recently aimed at younger people. Maybe you can't focus on everything at once.