Witnessed employee being diciplined & forced to resign in public fastfood restaruant.

from the attitude of the manager it didnt seem likely that she would stop doing this as she she claims she hasn't got adequate space. A colleague of mine in work used to work as a duty manager in a nearby town and the franchise was owned by this same manager (she recognised the name of the email) and says it was common practice for job interviews to be held in the lobby of the busy restaurant too.

I think there is more to this story than meets the eye?

Like what? How many of us worked in fast food restaurants in our college days?

I think Grizzly is suggesting, rightly or wrongly, that it is plausible that your colleague who knows personally of this manager, may have contributed to your opinion that the manager is a bit nasty i.e. that your colleague has encouraged you to go further than you may otherwise have done.

It was obvious why it was held in public, put more pressure on the employee to comply.

You could be right. I worked in this fast food restaurant many many years ago and when I had an argument with a manager over wanting to go home at the end of my shift, I was given my "talking to" out on the floor in front of nearby customers even though there was perfectly acceptable office space inside. Maybe it is a power trip ploy in this institution's "How to deal with bold employees" handbook?

Sandrat I agree with earlier posters though...you have done the good thing by making the complaint - at some point you just have to let it go (especially as you haven't got the full story) and hope they can fight their own battles.
I have let it go, though I never received the vouchers... Its not my fault people keep replying!

I had already made the complaint before mentioning it to my colleague. As a manager myself, I cannot tolerate this kind of behaviour towards staff. I have to say that even if I hadn't heard the conversation this is a very bad way to be treating staff and if I was paraded and shouted at in public by my boss I too might very well feel like resigning rather than continuing to work in such an environment