Will submitting two planning applications hurt my chances?


Registered User
I am looking at building a second house on my site as well as building a large (>40sqm) extension. Both of which will require planning permission.

The new house is 50-50 on whether it will be accepted, based on looking at similar applications in the area. I see no reason why the extension wouldn't be accepted.

I'm wondering would it hurt my chances of this going through, if I were to submit both applications at the same time. Like the planners would see it as greedy overdevelopment.

It's not the end of the world if I only got permission for the house, and had to scale back the extension to permitted development.

Would it be an advisable strategy to try and get the permission for the house (the more contentious of the two) in the bag, and then to go back for the extension?
Sorry to bump a thread, but I'm wondering has anyone any advice or experience on this? It would be really appreciated.