Which newspaper subscriptions?


Registered User
I currently have an Irish Times subscription and beyond this have used a variety of free/limited use options for news content.

I’ve enjoyed reading the Guardian but it has recently limited the extent of its free access.

I understand the need for publishers to charge for online viewing but there’s a bit of choice involved.

Any recommendations as to what to choose in terms of high quality content?
I pay for The Irish Times, like yourself, The Currency, the FT, and I buy physical Sunday papers (Times and Business Post) plus The Phoenix. I read some free US stuff too but have resisted paying for things like the New York Times or the Washington Post. They’re probably next up for grabs.

Paying for the Indo would feel like paying to use the loo, something I would never do.
I buy the Financial Times on a Saturday and it has really great writing on a variety of issues including very good long reads on current topics.

Irish Examiner (aka De Paper)
New York Times
Times UK (find the e-paper good)
Guardian (Free)
I used to have an IT sub but cancelled it - compared to the others it was just too expensive and their foreign articles were mostly from the nyt & Guardian anyway.

New York Times has some great aricles in it but like the Guardian, I find it can be a bit Left and too "moany" for me at times. Hence the Times UK sub for some centre-right balance
Buy the Irish Times. Great app but a bit too left wing for me but actual news reporting is generally first rate.

Sunday Times but the app is dire. Physical paper is excellent but the app is impossible to use, constantly throwing you back out and then having to spend a few mins to find the article again...Got it for a fiver for the year but never use it

I dont subscribe to Irish Independent just one stop above the journal. Used to be a fine paper 20 years ago but got poisoned by cross pollination w sister paper, Sunday Independent which is full of drivel.
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Sunday Times but the app is dire. Physical paper is excellent but the app is impossible to use, constantly throwing you back out and then having to spend a few mins to find the article again...Got it for a fiver for the year but never use it
I bought the Times/ST £5/year e-subscription and find it great value although the specialist Irish bits on Sundays can be a bit of an afterthought. No issues with the app as my subscription runs in a browser, usually Safari.
Sunday Times but the app is dire. Physical paper is excellent but the app is impossible to use, constantly throwing you back out and then having to spend a few mins to find the article again...Got it for a fiver for the year but never use it
Have you tried the e-paper? I find it very good
I pay for:

The Irish Times
The Currency
The Guardian (you can get it for free but I read it so much I am happy to pay the relatively small amount they charge)
New York Times - they have a great offer at the moment and you get The Athletic and the brilliant NYT Cooking app included in the deal
Washington Post

I used to subscribe to the FT but it is expensive and while an excellent paper, it wasn't value for money for me. I also subscribe to a couple of podcasts as well.
Buy the Irish Times. Great app but a bit too left wing for me but actual news reporting is generally first rate.
Agreed about the IT, though most of the opinion articles by people who think they are journalists are dreadful.
I subscribe to the Irish Times, the Financial Times, the New York Times and the Business Post. I read the Guardian and the bits of the Daily Telegraph (great sports reporting) that are free to access. The New York Times makes the Guardian and Irish Times look far right but the actual news reporting is excellent.

I never buy physical newspapers.

Edit: my NY Times subscription is something around €1 a month.
Download the Pressreader app and subscribe using your Irish library card number and pin. You can then get access to thousands of newspapers for free.
The Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Irish version of the Mail, Mirror and Star, RTE guide, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe.........

Of course several of the previous posters on this thread will consider this as theft and on moral grounds will not avail of this app.
Download the Pressreader app and subscribe using your Irish library card number and pin. You can then get access to thousands of newspapers for free.
The Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Irish version of the Mail, Mirror and Star, RTE guide, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe.........
Excellent, thanks.
Of course several of the previous posters on this thread will consider this as theft and on moral grounds will not avail of this app.
Why would they think that? Are you suggesting that the Irish Library Service are stealing intellectual property?
Great suggestions. Many thanks to everyone.

The Guardian recently limited me to 50 free articles after which they seek €10 a month or €75 a year.

Not bad value I suppose but it’s then no cheaper than some of the alternatives, hence the enquiry.
Subscribe to The Irish Times, Irish Independent (only because got a cheap sub offer!) and the NYT. Read the Guardian extensively. I also have a plug in for Google Chrome that allows access to most newspapers including that Daily Telegraph rag. Always highly amusing to read on a daily basis how the 'woke', SNP, BBC, NHS, 'Remoaners' etc. are dragging down the global wonder that is Britain!!
Paying for the Indo would feel like paying to use the loo, something I would never do.

I deeply regret taking out a one year Indo sub (including the wonders of the Sunday World, the Herald, some regional papers and, I think some newspaper from Northern Ireland?) - and I will not be renewing it next month; it is a bitter, petty, bilious rag. In my defence, I took it out mainly for the rugby coverage, but I'm still ashamed of my reckless decision. Reading Shane Ross's weekly dose of unadulterated bilge makes me want to jump out of a window, but unfortunately I live in a bungalow. (And Ross is by no means the worst donkey in the Indo's stable!)

I also subscribe to the Business Post, the Times of London (another rag - but the sub costs only €5 a year which I can just about tolerate), the Irish Times (meh) and The Spectator. I ended my Phoenix subscription some years ago, when, following the death of John Mulcahy, it slumped from being tolerably interesting to becoming little more than a rag mag for illiterate students.
Why would they think that? Are you suggesting that the Irish Library Service are stealing intellectual property?

I suspect that it's a lame attempt to be witty. As I'm feeling mellow this fine sunny morning, I'm giving him 4/10 for the effort.