where to get help



Im just wondering how i can claim for the week my husband is of work,the welfare office said hes not entiltilted to anything the week hes not working hes working 3wks an 1 wk of,now the week hes not working hes no wages and finding it very very difficult,we have 4 children and a mortage,im on db for myself and get nothing for the kids,now im going to rant here as im so annoyed, i know ia lad whoes a junkie,he has his dole and got 150E clothing allowance from the cwo,he doesnt have any bills or rent as hes at home with his mother...so how is this possible? ive no money this week for the mortage and no shopping,,,so what am i suposed to do?soory for ranting but when the genuine work and get nothing & need help,thanks.
i know ia lad whoes a junkie,he has his dole ... he doesnt have any bills or rent as hes at home with his mother...so how is this possible?
Maybe he's on PRSI linked Jobseeker's Benefit, has the required PRSI contributions and meets the other qualification criteria? Or maybe he's on some other non means tested payment? Anyway - his situation (of which we know little) is hardly relevant to you when all is said and done...
Ther is no point in comparing your situation with another's as you don't know the full circumastances of that person just as they don't know yours. Be positive.

Have you looked in to the possibility of claiming FIS? What sort of contract has your spouse if he is not paid for the 1 week in 4 that he does not work? Obviously, if they told him he can't claim JB for that week he is still under contract to employer and his wages should reflect his "rest week" (i.e four weeks wages paid over three weeks?)