What health insurance to choose when expanding the family


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Situation is I am with Quinn , Health manager, the other half is with VHI Company Plan plus. This has been the case for years and we never even thought about going on to one policy or so. We are not married.

Situation is changing slightly.. there is a baby on the horizon.

I take it the baby will be put on the mother's policy automatically. Am I missing a trick , should we consider to all go one happy family policy, can we save some money doing that and if so which company ? I believe benefits of our policies are similar at the moment and I would like to keep this level of benefits.

Normally I wouldn't just ask the question but research myself, but tbh there are so many more fascinating things to research as a first time daddy, so I hope someone can give some advice
Congrats HH!

I know that Hibernian health have some excellent maternity benefits compared to the other two providers including post natal domestic support, 4d scans and discounts from some maternity stores and even money towards the fathers travel costs - though your partner would need to make sure she doesn't have to serve any waiting period if she switches.
Hibernian are currently offering a sale price if a policy is taken out on certain dates this month, so you could make a large saving compared to '09 prices. Also you might note that we are brokers for Hibernian health and are offering a donation to charity if anyine switches through us before the 30th of this month,

Best of luck at this exciting time!

I take it the baby will be put on the mother's policy automatically

Just on this point, no matter what you decide to do, don't assume the baby is added automatically. Contact the health insurer when the baby is born to give them the details.