what does getting a legal separation involve?


Registered User
i have been living seperate from my husband for the last 3 years and we need to get a seperation, i dont even know were to start or the cost involved or if we would need to go to court.
Depending on your current relationship with your husband, you could discuss and draw up an agreed schedule of all joint assets and how they might be apportioned between you. Once this is done, I recommend that you each talk to a solicitor (not the same for both) and get advice from them in terms of an official separation agreement which is both legal and enforceable.

There is no need for courts if there is agreement between yourself and your husband on the terms of the separation agreement.

If you do the work first between yourselves, it should not take many solicitor hours to finalise the agreement. I would strongly advise you to proceed with obtaining an official separation agreement.
Say you get all your financial agreement in place prior to seeing a solicitor and you tell them, this is what we want to agree on formally.. How much is reasonable for the solicitors to formalise this?
I am quoted 2.5k for each of us.
Sounds a lot, especially if we have agreed everything up front
You have a choice.

D.I.Y , at no cost, or rely on a solicitor's advices and pay them a proper fee.

A solicitor is not doing their job properly if they just"rubber stamp" something a client brings in. They should see all the finances, all the proposals and advise whether the agreement holds water, based on the particular circumstances.

Surely DIY is not legally binding?

what I woukd like to know is what shoukd the cost be to get this done legally?
Surely DIY is not legally binding?

what I woukd like to know is what shoukd the cost be to get this done legally?

But you've been given a price? If you're not happy with the price, then D.I.Y ( and it is perfectly legally binding) or go to another solicitor and get another price.

The problem with D.I.Y is the possible plea down the line- but I didn't know what I was doing - 'cos I didn't get legal advice and therefore the terms should be varied.
