Welfare Entitlements


Mrs P

I was recently made redundant and have applied for JSB. My husband works for himself and is only taking a small salary at the moment. Is it worth him continuing to do so? are we entitled to anything else if he only takes approx €25K p.a.?
There are many people who would love the opportunity to earn 25,000K per year. It's alot more than what you'll get on the social.
Apologies, I think you misunderstood my post. I am not suggesting he gives up his job and signs on. My point is at the moment he is only taking about €25k from his business as a salary. The rest he is putting back into the company incase their are tough times ahead and to keep the staff he has employed.
What I am wondering is at that level of income are we entitled to anything else? Would it be worth him putting more back into his business?
Mrs P, I don't really know what your query is. If, as your title suggests, you are are asking can your husband claim SW if he only takes 25k from his employment, then no, there is nothing. Also, at that level of salary, you cannot claim an adult allownace for him.
I was more thinking about Mortgage help, GP card etc..
As your husband is employed full time, you will not be eligible for assistance towards your mortgage.

Check out www.hse.ie and follow the links to Medical Card / GP Visit card for a list of income guidelines.