Water divining: Is there any evidence that it works?

Re: There is clear evidence that dowsing works

Just as Quantum theory caused no end of bother as it didn't seem to conform to scientific rigour, it shoudl surely be accepted that there is more to be uncovered???

from http://www.dowsingworks.com/
Albert Einstein, however, was convinced of the authenticity of dowsing. He said, "I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the uncanny reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time."

And please note, there's a lot more on that site that could have one moving on to wild behaviour like reading conspiracy theories, dowsing UFOs and crop circles...... maybe even believing that Fine Gael could have a majority..... but just because a few loop de loops drive a car and believe its a spaceship, doesn't mean it is. Same with dowsing. Many dowsers are serious professionals and employ their dowsing successfully. Many Dowsers are very aggrieved when some of them speak of leylines, energy grids, even map dowsing. Just because it at times seems fanciful or may prove difficult to prove according to scientific dogma, does not mean its effects have not been scientifically recorded and hypotheses drawn. Keep an open mind. Perform your own objective experiments. If you find dowsing works for you, excellent. If it doesn't, then............oh I don't know........ask the experts on here.......Remember folks, there's a lot of theories out there! Luckily we have a gathering of intelligentsia on here to keep us on the straight and narrow. Wait til the fairies get ya, logic lovers! har har:D

Oh, and that was only Einstein's opinion, not a fact. Opinionated so and so!!