warranty expired in Oct


Registered User
Hi there,

Bought HP laptop from laptopsdirect.co.uk.

I don't know the exact date of purchase, but warranty expired in Oct 2016.

Motherboard is bust now.

Have I any chance of a replacement from HP?
I cant imagine much chance with HP.

If you are buying a new one in an Irish store, I suggest googling the name of the store and "warranty" etc as even some Irish based stores can be hard to hold to their statutory consumer rights, often using procedural delays \ need to refer to head office etc etc
Why buy from the UK? You get better statutory consumer rights buying from Ireland, as per this example from Apple:- http://www.apple.com/ie/legal/statutory-warranty/

What? Other sellers don't highlight your rights like Apple do? Stunned is what I am, stunned.

I doubt you'd have any statutory rights once the warranty has expired no matter where you bought it. The reason for buying from the UK is prices are sometimes dramatically lower, including from companies with outlets in Ireland like Curries/PC World who rip off their Irish customers. (Unfortunately they've copped on and now refuse to ship from UK to Ireland). With laptops I reckon you get what you pay for, and there are certain brands I'd never buy from anywhere. My last two purchases were both HPs and I consider them reasonable quality. In general, though, I expect and plan to have to change laptops every two to three years or so.
Wrong again. It seems you, like others, don't understand the difference between a manufacturer's or supplier's warranty and an Irish consumer's statutory rights as established by case law in this country. I don't believe you read the link I provided where Apple go to some lengths to explain the differences in detail yet you feel competent and informed enough to express an opinion. Strange.
Your presumption is unfounded. If you have a problem after your 12-month warranty has expired (indeed, any time after 6 months) and you claim it is due to a defect that existed at the time of purchase, the burden is on you to prove it. Good luck proving that with a knackered motherboard, which could legitimately fail for any number of reasons including inadequate ventilation.
While I generally wouldn't let an expired warranty put me off, getting it remedied by LaptopsDirect or HP is an uphill task. Are you sure it's the motherboard? Have you tried reseating the RAM, removing the battery, optical drive (if it has one) and any other daughter/PCI Express cards? If it was me, I'd open it up and check any internal connections.
If it was me, I'd open it up and check any internal connections.
That will give the manufacturer a "get out of jail" card... once you open it up, then there will be no comeback. Also, if the OP is a novice in relation to the internal workings / connections of a laptop, then there isn't much point really.

Having said that - if there is nothing back from HP / laptopdirect, then nothing to lose by having a look in :)