UK + Irish pensions - Do I get one or two?


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I moved to Ireland from England in 1999 having already worked, and got, 20 years NI contributions in the UK.

During the past 24 years I have both worked in the UK and Ireland.

I have recently attained MAX contributions in NI to allow me to attain a full UK pension on my 67th birthday in 2028.

In Feb next year I will have attained 520 'A' contributions, in Ireland, in order to be eligible for a partial Irish pension.

My question is simple...Am I allowed to receive BOTH the UK and Irish pensions separately in 2028 or will the UK and Irish pension authorities combine the two lots of contributions and I get only ONE payment ??
yes. Current practice is to pay both or if you are missing credits to combine to get at least one full pension.
Do your sums; for most people in general you are better off claiming both pensions separately.
Do your sums; for most people in general you are better off claiming both pensions separately.
This is something I've been trying to do without success.

I'll be 66 when claiming the Irish state pension and a year older for the UK.

I won't reach 2080 for the TCA method which is likely to be a major factor in the sums when my time comes. Probably around 1740.

I intend to reach the max UK by paying NICs from now on, in fact I'm likely to overpay but I can't find a definitive answer whether excess NICs can be counted in Ireland to boost PRSI contributions here.
excess NICs can be counted in Ireland to boost PRSI contributions here
I don't believe you can take a portion of your NI contributions and carry them into the Irish system.

I think your options are:

1. claim both pensions if you meet the critieria
2. claim UK pension only
3. claim IRL pension only - by combining your NIC with Irish PRSI if needed