Time to buy bank shares?

It sounds like you've made up your mind. If you insist on buying banking shares, then at least minimise your risk by buying them through a financial ETF.
Because otherwise there would be no passion in our lives and no great art in the world?

I know I'm slow on the uptake but I don't get this in relation to gambling, sorry investing in shares?

ASDFG yes we would have calculated the CGT and the entry and exit charges.

Chris we should have copied D. Desmond, another regret......... It's so easy for some. Nerves of steel those boys have.
It's so easy for some. Nerves of steel those boys have.

I think it's more of case of confidence in what you are doing, and more importantly being psychologically OK with sometimes taking an actual loss when you make bad decisions.
Many people think that those highly successful investors and business people got to where they are without making losses. This is simply not true, they just make more money on their winning decisions than on the losing ones, and are fully OK with making losses from time to time. This is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome.
Personally I think that buying banking or other financial shares is a pure gamble at the moment, as nobody can actually propoerly evaluate their assets, especially since the introduction of 'mark-to-makebelieve' accounting.