The CFA Programme - 2 Hard Questions . . .


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A person I know is being laid off a bank teller job.
For the time being he would have no problem getting an admin job in a finance/insurance/etc organization.
Yet this would be a dead end without a "job elevation" plan.

I know most CFA Programme starters have degrees in finance/accounting/economics/business/etc. But CFA Ireland will accept any degree. So a degree in Ancient Sanskrit is as valid an entrance qualification to CFA as a BSc in economics. Crazy but those are the rules.

The CFA Ireland website says something about non-degree holders being eligible to start the programme if they have some years working experience in financial environment. It is not too specific and provides no examples of model case histories.

I have 2 questions on non-degree holder applications:

1. Is 6+ years experience in a bank deemable as adequate to start the CFA programme ?

2. There is a requirement for 4 years professional experience before entitlement to use CFA after one's name.
Can this be partly covered by working in administration for a senior financial adviser for the 3 years when studying towards the 3 CFA exams ?