Switching From Haven To...


Registered User
Does anyone know if it is possible to switch from Haven to AIB or EBS, given that they are all the one in some respects?

Also, once your Haven mortgage is a year old is there any reason why you can't switch? Someone mentioned something to me about having to wait 3 years, is there any truth in that?
There is no restriction from Haven's point of view for you not to switch.

However, Haven paid a fat commission to the mortgage broker who put you in Haven. If you switch, the broker may have to refund that commission. That broker may well have a clause in the contract that you must repay him that commission.

Thanks for that reply, Brendan. That is very interesting. So I will have to find out if such a clause exists, how long it applies for. This is easier said than done. Hopefully it doesn't apply for the life of the mortgage!

Does anyone know of people who have successfully switched from Haven?