Sole Trader - Ceasing Trading


Registered User
I have some questions re ceasing trading and business expenses.

I plan to cease trading as a sole trader - I am not VAT registered.
Although I won't then have any trading income, I do have some obligations to meet (some custom items to be supplied, and associated costs).
The timescale for supplying these is at my (former) clients discretion, though I plan to attempt to set a final date for them, I don't want to avoid these obligations.

My questions are :

(1) Can I claim relevant business expenses against my other non-trading income
(2) What happens regarding capital allowances where the time involved is less than 8 years - can these continue to be claimed

Will you receive payment for these items from your clients, or have you been paid in advance?
Will you receive payment for these items from your clients, or have you been paid in advance?
Paid in advance - as part of a package of items, most of which have already been delivered. There is a small possibility of additional charges if they request changes.