Social Security Payments when living in the US



My husband runs an Irish Ltd. company but are currently living in the US for family reasons. My husband has drawn down a minimal salary from the company for which he pays PAYE/PRSI (though he did not do so last year). I worked for a US company for a year and a bit but was recently laid off and am now claiming unemployment benefit in the US. I was paid a minimal salary from the Irish business during in 2006 but am not currently paid anything from the business. I am an Irish citizen, my husband is a US citizen but lived in Ireland for 10 years and has an Irish passport (as he is Irish/American).

I understand there is an agreement between Ireland and the US where contributions paid in the US can be used to satisfy the PRSI conditions for Irish payments but you must have a minimum amount of Irish PRSI contributions to be eligible to combine U.S.A. and Irish social security contributions. I worked in Ireland for approximately 15 years before I moved to the US so I would hope that covers me.

We hope to move back to Ireland in the next few years and I am concerned that because we have intermittently drawn down a salary from the Irish business as well as the fact that I temporarily worked for a US company and am now claiming unemployment that we may not be fully covered for benefits when we do return. Also we are hoping to start a family and I would like to avail of maternity benefits in Ireland which are a lot better than in the US! Is this possible as we currently stand? Should we both draw down a minimal salary from the business to cover our 'stamps'.? If so, how much should this be or are we covered as we are now? Is there a way we can find out if our contributions have been continuous and if we are covered to receive benefits such as health, maternity, pension etc.

Any advice would be most welcome! Thanks
I think you should ask the Social Welfare Department about this. You may or not get help from them - alternatively Citizens Advice could advise.

Yes, there is an agreement with the US for Social Security, but this is a specialised area and you should seek specialised advice in this regard.

I would research such advice for a client, but would of course charge for this complex work.