Social & Affordable Housing nextdoor:recourse if the tenants turn out to be troubleso



I have just learnt that the house next door to me in my new estate is to be allocated for social & affordable use. I am not against this per se but am just wondering if there is any recourse if the tenants turn out to be troublesome? I am sure a private buyer has just as much chance as being troublesome but its something I need to know in advance..thanks!
social housing

you are very generous in not being against this. regardless of how the tenants behave, they will be getting their house for half nothing whereas you have 25 years of a juicy mortgage to look forward to. the government should provide affordable housing, however it should not be mixed in with private developments unless the future resale value is restricted and the potential buyers list is limited to future govt approved needy ftb's.
Re: social housing

Well as i said I'm not against it PER SE, but it does depend on the tenant. I would also be worried about the re-sale value of the house in the event we moved again...its a good point about the resale value being restricted.

I agree its a pain in that we have to pay almost 1000K per month and next door does not. However live and let live as long as we are not dealing with noisy, argumentantive people...I just wonder is there an option if it does all go pear shaped???
Re: social housing

Don't know if there's an option if it all goes pear shaped...

Irish Times property section...first one of the year did an article on this at the beginning of January...was an interesting read...

Lots of normal people on normal salaries that just can't afford a mortgage by themselves...

Why don't you contact the Local authority in question...the housing section would give you more info.
i am in the same position

Will your local authority give out that sort of info? i am in the same position, bought a house, told there would be social housing in the estate, but could get no further info on what houses were earmarked for this. Dont get me wrong i am not against this and agree with the original poster that one could get anyone living next door to you but if i want to sell in the future it could be a disaster if area has bad name or other houses get boarded up, the again could be sweet and neighbours could be great!? it is however a concern.
Re: i am in the same position

not sure what type of info they'll give you...but no harm in seeing what info they will give you...

If an affordable house is sold within 20 yrs there is a clawback agreement with the local the local authority still have a stake in the house even at that stage.

Whether the council will become involved in any way is another question.

Documentation re affordable housing scheme on states:

"Dublin City Council will not consider applications under this scheme from persons who are engaged in anti-social behaviour."

But again, what happens if you buy a house, and your neighbours turn out to be a nightmare...whether it's an affordable house or not...what type of redress do you have?...none...

You could apply the same to affordable housing purchasers...

Info on which houses are affordable houses should be kept confidential...

I think if you look at the existing wider area and other developments in the area you'll get an idea of what the house will look like

Also look at existing schemes where affordable housing was integrated...

Has there been any cases where this was an issue?

Haven't heard of any...but then how many affordable houses have been released in the last few years...very small number...
Re: Social & Affordable Housing nextdoor:recourse if the tenants turn out to be troub

Eammon66 you don't know what you are talking about, the affordable houses are not half nothing, I am in the process and its a quater of a million euros worth of a mortgage (a lot for a single 30 year old on their own no?). Live in the real world for gods sake, not everyone can afford over this amount, and we should not all be penned into "affordable housing ghettos" either. It's the 21st century.
Re: Social & Affordable Housing nextdoor:recourse if the tenants turn out to be troub

the government should provide affordable housing, however it should not be mixed in with private developments unless the future resale value is restricted and the potential buyers list is limited to future govt approved needy ftb's.

Ehh, I thought the affordable housing scheme was there for those need ftbs you refer to? BTW they also pay a mortgage, have a job etc. They privately own their houses.
I think you're confusing it with social housing as in what used to be called council houses where people don't own it and don't pay a mortgage.
Re: Social & Affordable Housing nextdoor:recourse if the tenants turn out to be troub

Eammon66 you don't know what you are talking about, the affordable houses are not half nothing, I am in the process and its a quater of a million euros worth of a mortgage (a lot for a single 30 year old on their own no?). Live in the real world for gods sake, not everyone can afford over this amount, and we should not all be penned into "affordable housing ghettos" either. It's the 21st century.

You do realise that this thread is over three years old, Eammon is probably long gone, ;)