Small benefit exemption - gift card recommendations


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This year, I started a personal limited company for consulting.
I am aware of the small benefit exemption where I can gift myself €1000.
Various companies sell gift cards for this purpose.
I was wondering if anyone could recommend any particular gift card.
Any use?
We've used Allgo the past couple of years. They can be used anywhere you can use MasterCard, be it instore or online. The cards don't have a PIN which did pose a problem in Spain where the restaurants machines asked for a PIN. This can be over ridden but they didn't want to know. Shops there had no issue accepting the card though. Another one is Perx. We had used One for All previously but found them a bit restrictive.
Can a sole trader, not in a company, gift him or her self up to €1,000 tax free in a year? Can it be done in retrospect for 2022?
Can a sole trader, not in a company, gift him or her self up to €1,000 tax free in a year? Can it be done in retrospect for 2022?
Any use?
Q9: Can self-employed / sole traders workers avail of the Small Benefit Scheme?
Yes, as long as they are paying income tax, PRSI and USC. As there is no employer PRSI for self-employed workers, the overall tax-saving may be 10.95% less than for employed workers.
Any use?
They've updated that FAQ and seem to have split that question into two separate questions;

Q. Can self-employed workers avail of the Scheme?
A. Yes, as long as they are in receipt of “Schedule E” income from their company on which income tax, PRSI and USC is being deducted. As there is no employer PRSI for self-employed workers, the overall tax-saving may be 11.05% less than for employed workers.

Q. Can Sole Traders avail of the Small Benefit Scheme?
A. No, because Sole Traders do not receive Schedule E income from their businesses. Employees of Sole Traders can avail of the Scheme however.
I have a query about this entry;

Q. Do contractors qualify for the Small Benefit Scheme?
A. Yes. How they qualify just depends on how they get paid. If an external contractor is paid through your company’s payroll, then they can avail of the Scheme through you. If they invoice for their services, they can avail of the scheme as an employee of their own company. They cannot qualify both ways.

If a self employed sole trader A regularly invoices another self employed sole trader B for services as a contractor. Does that mean the sole trader B cannot avail of the small benefit voucher either through sole trader A or themselves (sole trader B), as neither of them are registered as a company?

Or would this be a grey area as the Revenue page is a bit thin on detail
I have a query about this entry;

Q. Do contractors qualify for the Small Benefit Scheme?
A. Yes. How they qualify just depends on how they get paid. If an external contractor is paid through your company’s payroll, then they can avail of the Scheme through you. If they invoice for their services, they can avail of the scheme as an employee of their own company. They cannot qualify both ways.

If a self employed sole trader A regularly invoices another self employed sole trader B for services as a contractor. Does that mean the sole trader B cannot avail of the small benefit voucher either through sole trader A or themselves (sole trader B), as neither of them are registered as a company?

Or would this be a grey area as the Revenue page is a bit thin on detail
If you are a sole trader and not in receipt of schedule E income, you cannot avail of the scheme. Who you invoice or whether you are called a contractor is irrelevant. You are either a sole trader (can't avail) or limited company where your income is paid though Schedule E (can avail)
Allgo banked with AIB last year and this year have moved to Banking Circle in Germany. My AIB IBB account doesn't recognise the BIC as matching the IBAN so have raised with Allgo but will look at alternatives.

Our company distributed Perx cards (in electronic format) to staff.

Essentially an online Mastercard debit card, with an associated app so you can keep an eye on what's left on the card etc.

Easy to link to a Google Wallet, and use for contactless payments.
I ended up getting a Swirl Mastercard.
The fee was only €2.99 and it works fine.
It comes with a nice app to track the balance.
I ended up getting a Swirl Mastercard.
The fee was only €2.99 and it works fine.
It comes with a nice app to track the balance.
Where did you purchase your swirl gift card. We used these the last two years, now struggling to find a shop that sells them. Too late to order online.