Signing off


Registered User
Hi all,

I have been getting JSB and I started a new job on Monday. I forgot to drop into my local Intreo office last week to tell them.

I have tried to do this by phone and email for the last 2 days and failed. Any advice ?

I called the standard phone number and navigated the menu options to " Query about a Job seeker claim ". This phone line has never been answered.
I have tried a query on the contact form on the website, but this seems to be a black hole.

Has anyone any idea how I can tell them that I am no longer out of work without having to go to the office which is miles from my new job ?

Thank you . I just have to wait a week for them to post me out a code in order to register for a govID and then I can sign off.
You could also phone your local intreo office and tell them to sign you off. A week is a long time to wait for the code.
As I said above, have tried to call but its not as easy as it sounds. The only phone number that I can find is a generic number which has menu options .
I have called multiple times and the phone is never answered.