Should I have been offered a tracker?


Registered User
Hi. Just looking for an opinion on my situation. I have 2 different mortgage accounts given it was a self build. The second (top up) separate account was needed as I ran over budget. Anyways the first & main mortgage was in 2005 with a one year fixed at 2.75% then reverting to SVR. I talked through some options with someone in the bank about further fixed rates and went for one of these instead. At no stage was a tracker option put to me. I am wondering was the bank obligated to advise me of the possibility of the tracker option? The reason I ask is that for the second (top up) mortgage (taken out 2 years later in 2007). when my fixed interest rate period expired, the bank wrote to me offering me a full suite of options including a tracker, which I obviously took. I'm just annoyed that the same bank did not advise me of the possibility of a tracker option in 2005 when I came off a fixed rate then. Should there not have been some continuity in their approach or is it totally at their discretion with each individual mortgage contract? Would appreciate an opinion. Thanks.
No. A tracker made not have been available for numerous reasons. They offered you a product and you accepted it. Job done.