Seperation after Affordable Housing Purchase


Registered User
Apologies if this is not the right section
I'm writing on behalf of a friend of mine as I can’t find the info to help him. Couple (not married) bought a house approx. 8years ago through the affordable housing scheme. They separated ~5yrs ago. She lives in the house and he rents. They have disabled child which they share care for 5days (him)/3 days (her). He also gets a carers allowance for the child. She is going to transfer total ownership of house into her name with the agreement of the bank and him just need the council to agree. She is the only one paying the mortgage on house. Council have stated they will only agree if he agrees never to apply for affordable housing again. I am unable to find any documentation for him to support his refusal and am wondering at the legality of the councils demands. He has tried to meet with them to discuss but they refuse to take a call or arrange a meeting.