Separation issue


Registered User
Hi guys,

I would like to hear your opinion regarding separation. My wife and I separated about 15 months ago, and she moved out of our apartment a year ago because she did not like it. She started renting a house. We have a child together, and the child stays with me at the weekends, other days with her. We have no written agreement, it was all verbal.

As you can imagine this separation put us both into financial difficulties. I continued to pay mortgage by myself which is around €850 a month, and she is paying €1,000 for rent. Also we have about €600 of the loan and at the moment I pay €300, and she gives me €150 and child benefit another €150. I kept our car, and we agreed on the amount I should give her for that. I give her half the money for child expenses, she would tell me we need this or that etc, but I give her no set amount per month for child support as I can't afford it since I am servicing the mortgage on my own.

She wants to get her name off the mortgage, however, to date we lost about 50-80 k on it, so I doubt bank will release her from the mortgage agreement.

I forgot to mention our incomes: I make 32k gross per year, and she makes 47k.

Few days ago she said it is disgraceful that I don't hand her money for our child, and says that she can get much more and that she deserves that. And she wants the car back straightaway.

Given the situation, is this reasonable from her to expect me to give her what I don't have plus there is always a fear that interest rates will go up, which will put me under even more difficult position?

Thanks for any opinion.