Sell Perrigo and Prothena shares


Registered User
I have 51 Perrigo shares and 16 Prothena since Elan had their sell off in 2014.
I have been receiving small cheques from Perrigo in US dollars.
I cannot cash them in as the cost of cashing them would cost more than they are worth.
I want to sell the shares.
Compushare say they don't deal in US shares and I had a very uninformative chat with them about what to do.
I am putting my affairs in order as the saying goes so really want rid.
I would not be adverse to giving them to charity if that was the only option.
Any advice gratefully received!
Attached may help
Failing that, reach out to a stockbroker like Davy's who may do it for you
The prothena shares held by computershare USA are a problem. They require a medallion certificate in order to sell them. This is not available in Ireland. It can be obtained in London but at a price of about £250 plus vat. A few years ago the prothena shares were held by computershare uk. You should have received a letter from computershare UK with a few options before the transfer to compiyershare USA. One of these offers was to cash in your shares at a low rate or maybe free of charge. If you did not get this letter you could open a complaint with computershare UK. They messed up my request to move my prothena shares to a different broker. This resulted in my small holding of prothena shares being effectively locked into computershare USA as their value was less the cost of medallion certificate. I complained through the UK financial ombudsman and got a goodwill payment of £250.
Thank you for your reply.
I got that letter but the date for taking the option to sell was past by the time I saw it. I've been hoping for a similar offer.
Your Prothena shares are worth about 1000 euro. Perrigo are worth about 1600 euro
Including the medallion certificate it might cost you about 400 euro to sell them.
The selling instructions are on the computershare USA website.
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Thanks for that. I'll give it a go! I didn't realise they were worth anything like that.
I think it was unfair and unacceptable the way Computershare just abandoned anyone that didn't sell / didn't receive the notification for various reasons..
Above seemed a good option to contact the UK financial ombusman.
I've more or less decided to go with Goodbody's or Davys. I have no experience at all in this sort of thing. Goodbody say I have to lodge 5000e initially to become a member. Are they all the same?
You will still have to get the medallion certificate to transfer to another broker. You will then have an extra expense when you ask the broker to sell your shares.
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An update.
Davy say I don't need to lodge any money as I'm only interested in selling these shares and won't be trading. I didn't ever get share certificates from Computershare only statements of accounts. I've requested the certificates now.... so hopefully I'll get them.
Computershare have advised me to contact computershare in the US.
So.. I've done that.
Have you read the information regarding selling or transferring your shares from Computershare US ?