sales help



I am importing a water treatment product to ireland but need help
in selling it. Any advice on what best option would be?
Difficult to beat a good website and get traffic directed to it by a search engine. You need to know how people search these things.

Also never under estimate the power of a good name.
Figure out who will buy it, where they will buy it, how much they will buy etc etc. Maybe you need a good marketing person to help you. Needs a lot of planning etc to work but done properly could be the difference between success or failure.
Google for the competition, get info & quotes as a potential customer or even pose as a potential reseller in order to get info as to their typical customers.

Commissioning can be a big aspect to this type of product so be sure you are confident and comfortable in doing on-site visits if necessary - and of course price accordingly!
Dont do it! recipe for failure.
Many people make the mistake of taking on a product and them trying to find a market. It works the other way around. Find a niche market, then source a product.
I have to agree with runner on this. How come you have decided to import a product into Ireland if you do not already have a market for it. So often people get so excited about the product that they are offering that they forget to find out if there is a demand or need for it.

You are much better off identifying a niche market where they are looking for a particular product service and then to go source a product to meet the demand.