RSU tax treatment and using spouse CGT losses


Registered User
Hi all.

My wife receives RSUs from her American company since 2012. They have vested at different times over the last few years at different amounts. When they vest her company automatically sell 52% of them to cover the income tax.

We sold some of them last night and based on the vesting amount for each batch and the MV yesterday made gains and losses on each batch. Her etrade account has computed the net gain.

We are both registered for tax and jointly assessed as my wife has a rental property and I did have one up until March 2016 when I sold it.

The RSUs have never been included on our form 11s.

So my questions are as follows:

1) Should the RSUs have been included on the from 11s over the years? We didn't as the income tax was paid by her company from sell to cover each time a batch vested and we didn't sell any until yesterday so had no CGT liability.

2) I have a CGT loss on my rental property that i sold this year that is greater than the net gain on the sale of the RSUs sold yesterday. As we have no tax to pay cause my loss covers her gain do we have any return we need to make to revenue now?

3) Do I just put it all on our 2016 form 11 when I file it next year and keep carrying the balance of my loss forward each year until it is fully utilised? She has more shares to sell in the future (options and RSUs)

Sorry for the long post just want to be as clear as possible!