ring for wife after giving birth


Registered User
Can anybody tell me if there is a particular type of ring you are supposed to buy your wife/partner after she has your first baby ? I know tradition says you buy a ring but I do not know what type
Ha ha Clubman, if she needs one of those, she certainly deserves jewellry.

Its not really a tradition, but some lucky women do indeed get a gift of either an eternity ring, or a ring with the new baby's birthstone.
All well and good, but does she want a ring?

My missus doesn't really wear them - save for fashion rings - so she herself had said that a ring was sorta wasted on her.

I got her a neat pendant instead which has a v.small diamond and a gemstone - exactly what she had expressed a preference for and she hasn't taken it off since the child was born.

I was speaking to a Spanish guy shortly after the birth and he told me it was very important to give flowers as a gift as they symbolise freshness and new life. This is apparently what they give as the 'gift' in Spain. I pointed out to him that here, a bit more than a few flowers is required.. he was clearly surprised and slightly daunted that his own post-birth gift would be considered completely inadequate.
...he was clearly surprised and slightly daunted that his own post-birth gift would be considered completely inadequate.
Surely that's a matter of opinion for the person receiving the gift.

Tradition or not, what is suitable for any couple at any given time is down to personal matters and circumstances (financial and otherwise) and shouldn't be dictated by the opinions of others.
Of course it is - point being that he had never considered getting anything other than a bunch of flowers - apparently there is no tradition of any other type of gift and he was surprised at the idea.

Maybe his missus was going to be surprised and delighted, but knowing the work she had done and being in the fortunate position that I could afford it, I felt I could get my missus something slightly more memorable and longer lasting.
An eternity ring is the traditional ring for giving at the birth of the 1st born. It is worn on the wedding finger along with wedding ring and engagement ring. Therefore it might be worth your while checking to see if its just a straight band you need, which will be easy enough to purchase. Or if you need to get one fitted around the rings already there,if they are wavy or have any other up and down design, in which case you may have to go and get one especially made, in order for it to fit snugly.

Hope that makes sense.!
Don't give her a ring, you'll wake the baby. Knock gently instead.