"Reality" TV shows


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Just to change the subject from finances for a little while.
I have never watched any of these - from Big Brother - X Factor - The Apprentice, I have glanced at them now & again while channel hopping but I just don't get the appeal! The (Irish) Apprentice I watched for 30 mins the other night there just sickened me - why would people put themselves thru this humiliation?
As for "I'm a celebrity" - where do you start - I've never even heard of half of them
I've watched all episodes of The Apprentice and must say I really look forward to Monday night when it comes on. Of course the winner is in for a very rewarding job from Bill Cullen so there are people would do anything for that one.
Just to change the subject from finances for a little while.
I have never watched any of these - from Big Brother - X Factor - The Apprentice, I have glanced at them now & again while channel hopping but I just don't get the appeal! The (Irish) Apprentice I watched for 30 mins the other night there just sickened me....

Bloody hell, if you were just glancing & hopping from channel to channel, & it takes 30mins per channel, you must have been up quite late, obviously it depends on the no. of the channels.
Reality TV saved TV in general, so many of the new shows the same,how many Doctor show's,crime shows all the same, I thank God for reality TV Gordon is my man by the way.
There is no real good TV shows on anymore, sad but true, Father Ted great but all repeats, the new shows have no new material, bring back Dallas and the like but until then Reality please bring us more
Reality TV saved TV in general... I thank God for reality TV

I'm soooo grateful you're not in charge of TV Programming (hang on, maybe you are!!!)

But then you say
There is no real good TV shows on anymore,
Now I'm really confused. Oh, wait. You think Reality TV isn't a 'show' ? Riiight ! So Reality TV is actually 'reality' ? Just like The Truman Show ?

Maybe we're in a reality show too. The recession was only a script. FF are the figment of a seriously sick writer and The country isn't really in the toilet... Cool.

I watched some of the Apprentice lastnight & still found it cringe worthy - I still can't see why people would want to see themselves like that on the tv. It's nasty stuff - talk about CSI - there is probably more blood on the floor there from all the backstabbing! Why don't they just put them all in a ring & let them fight it out altogether!!
Sick that Apprentice has been switched to 10 becuase of that bloody jungle farce. Sky +'ed it and will watch it today. Couldn't be nothered staying up until 11:15 with an early morning the next day.
I watched a few minutes of the apprentice last night for the first time, the blonde girl looked so freaked out in the boardroom, i thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head!
For the most part, I dont watch reality shows but my one concession is The Restaurant with Raymond Blanc on BBC2. I just find it strangely addictive. There was also a reality show on BBC1 where contestant competed in architectural or product designs..never seen it but heard it was very good.
I think the problem with 'reality' tv is not the programme it's the people who think that it is actually reality. Take the x-factor, clearly a fix, always has been, I remember some controversy last year when Leona Lewis won, turned out she had already signed a deal with Simon Cowell & had started work on her album. Last week I listened to a load of aul wans who quite frankly are old enough to know better, ringing in to radio stations, most notably Gerry Ryan to complain about the twins getting through and how it was a disgrace etc etc. COP ON lads it's not reality - everything is done for ratings - that is why the twins were put through in the first place!. Same thing with I'm a celebrity etc - all for the ratings - that's it, in a few days we'll have the Jordan one crying about how nobody likes her blah blah blah.................... does she care no she bloody doesn't she's in for the guts of a million for her little two week stint in the jungle & is happy go go along with the charade! As for the Apprentice - does anyone really think that Bill Cullen has a real job opening??? .

Reality tv can be entertaining, can even be funny but one thing it is not... is reality!
For the most part, I dont watch reality shows but my one concession is The Restaurant with Raymond Blanc on BBC2. I just find it strangely addictive. There was also a reality show on BBC1 where contestant competed in architectural or product designs..never seen it but heard it was very good.

I love The Restaurant. It's a shame the format has changed and we only get one night per week this year.
I agree Ney. All of those 'reality' programmes are completely contrived. The contestants are not just some random group of people thrown together. They are carefully chosen so that they will get completely on each other's nerves. Contestants who are 'good television' are kept in, no matter how crap they are at the task in hand. And the programmes are edited to give whatever slant the producers want.
"Survivor" on TG4 is my favourite. All the double dealing and blindsiding. The ant bites are real unlike I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here with you wan wanting to bring closure to her marriage? [broken link removed]
Didn't the jungle one start again last night? I admit I'd be interested to see what Sam Fox looks like these days.
I love The Restaurant. It's a shame the format has changed and we only get one night per week this year.

Was it on twice last year? I definitely think they showed more detail last year. Great show though.
Didn't the jungle one start again last night? I admit I'd be interested to see what Sam Fox looks like these days.

I actually saw this last night - I admit it, the other half is a huge fan of Jimmy White so he has been tuning in! - Sam Fox actually looks great, better then she ever did. I did hear that her and the wife are vegans or possibly vegetarians - whatever she's doing it's working for her!

I love Jimmy myself, but jaysus hardly suitable for this show! I've met him - he's actually very shy and reserved - unless he's changed a lot in the last 10 years or so.

Might just have to watch now. :)
I know - I must admit very surprised to see him there myself! - Mind you I don't think he has opened his mouth yet !
Was it on twice last year? I definitely think they showed more detail last year. Great show though.

The first night was the couples running their restaurant over 2 nights, usually with a theme. And the second was the two worst teams from the first night in a challenge to see which would close down. I'm shocked that the two blond lads are still in it this year.