Quinn Home Insurance



I notice a few threads here re Quinn but they don't fully answer my question. I have recently got a very good quote for home insurance from them due to their offer of a €300 discount on home insurance provided you have your car and health insurance with them (which I do). The quote I got is €422 -€300 discount = €122. I am currently paying €464 with RSA.

I just wonder has anyone any opinions on the level of cover offered and if it is comparable with other insurance institutions. I can't make much headway reading the policy documents, I'm finding it hard to make direct comparisons but I just wondered if anyone had any opinions.
I just wonder has anyone any opinions on the level of cover offered and if it is comparable with other insurance institutions.
Impossible to say without details about your home, location, personal details etc. etc. Why not just shop aorund for a few more quotes for a similar level of cover and see what others offer?
Thanks ClubMan, its not actually the price I'm wondering about - thats going to save me money purely on the discount of €300. I just wondered if anyone had had any issues with Quinn such as difficulty with claiming or any other difficulties regarding the cover which wouldn't be immediately apparently to someone (such as myself) who is a little unsure about making comparisons between Quinn's policy docs and those of another insurance provider.