Query about how to ensure credit card is paid off in full


Registered User
Folks perhaps a silly question but just wanted to make sure I am understanding things correctly. On May 14th I was issued my first credit card statement with a balance of €1200 and a due date of June 8th. I immediately paid off the full balance of €1200 on May 15th, but have still continued to use my credit card since then so the balance is now around €600 as of today. Does this carry over to my next statement or will I have to pay this off before June 8th?
It carries over to your next statement, you won't be charged interest on it if you do not pay it off before June 8th.
It carries over to your next statement, you won't be charged interest on it if you do not pay it off before June 8th.
I had a feeling that was the case but just wanted to confirm rather than potentially be charged interest.