Qualifying for the dole


Registered User
Can an individual quit their job and then immediately start receiving the dole?
In short, no. There's a period where you're not eligible if the termination was voluntary.
Can an individual quit their job and then immediately start receiving the dole?

You can put in a claim but you may find you will be disqualified from claiming for up to nine weeks if you don't have a valid reason for jacking up.

Its certainly not clear cut on the attached link where the criteria and rules are laid down. For example it says that one "may" be disqualified from JSB if they leave work voluntarily.

I know somone who left their job a number of months ago and got the dole thereafter within a week or so.
It's based on individual decisions depending on why you left. I know people who have left because of bad work situations and got jobseekers straight away but equally if there was no good reason for leaving the job then they can apply the disqualification period.
"A good reason" to leave seems vague, subjective and entirely at the mercy of the officer your dealing with. I wonder what sort of supporting docs are required to back up the "good reason".

So basically if your sound to the officer, spin them a yarn and theyre havin a good day then your sorted.
It is vague because it depends on each case. Any case I know of they look for confirmation of 'yarn', so they may write to employer for confirmation or look for any other proof they want, while a person may get SW from date of leaving it is unlikely to be issued immediately so either you have savings to live on until they decide or supplementary welfare if no other supports. If they do approve from date of leaving you will get the backdated money but just may not have anything until it is decided.

Disqualification period could be up before decision is made.
Thanks Monbretia. What if someone decides to take unpaid leave from work for an extended period. Is there any social welfare entitlement in this case?
No, there is no entitlement if a person takes unpaid leave. The person is still employed, and has also deprived themselves of an income.
Medical reasons. Depression etc.

A doctors note will be required.

A healthy person capable of working would have to wait 9 weeks.