Put on one months notice

  • Thread starter workinglunch
  • Start date


I've been put on one months notice, I've been working all my life (34 yr old).

I've a recent mortgage (last 3 years) , 2 kids another on the way.

Savings went against paying one car off, so nothing left in bank.

How long until I can claim entitlements if I'm finished in a month, do I make an appointment with the SW officer, I've never been in this situation before so go easy on me!
Sorry, I am not up on social welfare, but make sure that you at least get your minimum redundancy package!!!
go into local office the day ur finished and fill in the forms to start signing on
Read the keypost guide whcih should help answer some of your questions. You should claim on the first day of unemployment at your local SW office. There may be an appointment system in place and, if so, you could drop in prior to being laid off to make an appointment in advance for the claim to be taken.
As you've being paying PRSI, you should qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit, which is not means tested so savings, etc. don't affect your payment. Your partner's situation (i.e. working or not working) will determine whether you get paid for the kids or not. You can apply for mortgage interest supplement (where the state pay the inrest on your monthly mortgage) throught he Community Welfare Officer at your local health centre but that will be subject to a means test on family situation.