Public holidays and longer shifts


Registered User
A friend is scheduled to work on Bank Holiday 9.25 hous but employer is closed so they will be off. Employer says they must use 1.8 hous toil or annual leave as only entitled to 7.4 hours which is 1/5 of working week. Is this correct?
Presumably the issue is that the employee wants to be paid for all of the rostered hours that they won't be working? It seems to boil down to
what is their normal day's pay.

"When a person works on a public holiday they are entitled to be paid for the day in accordance with their agreed rates. In addition they also have an entitlement to benefit for the public holiday. This can be different for each public holiday and each employee depending on the individual's work pattern. If the business is closed on the public holiday and an employee would normally be due to work then they get their normal day's pay. "

The business will pay them bit it comes out of any other time in lieu they have.i think the confusion is due to the fact you get one fifth of your pay/hours if rostered off.